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Thread: Conceiving and AS

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
    You don't need to know

    Conceiving and AS

    I posted this in the over 30 Forum and didn't get many responses , so I'm posting it here..................

    My wife and I want to start trying to have a baby and I'm currently on a cycle. I'm on Eq, t200 , d-bol and Winny tabs. I'm done the d-bol and haven't started the winny yet. Has anyone here gotten there wife pregnant while on a cycle and had any problems with birth?
    I'm 42 and the wife is 37.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    bump for this man

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    that avatar looks like 2 guys fucking, kinda scary...but as far as the conceiving, the dbol will shut down your hpta real quick, not to mention the eq, winny, and t200 aren't going to help either...youll still be producing sprem, but they wont be as many and possibly not mature enough to conceive...its possible but the odds are not as high as they would be if you weren't on a cycle...hope this helps a bit, bump for more responses

  4. #4
    Steriods can be used as a male form of birth control. My advice is to wait a while after your cycle to even start trying to have a baby. Let things get back to normal.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    To let you know, being on gear while to concieve will only make it that more difficult to get pregnant. Not impossible but just more difficult. A friend I work with has a little boy that was concieved while he was on some gear. So, it can happen but I would agree to wait until you come off and fully recover before seriously trying. Good luck! It took me and my wife 4 years before my daughter was born. Now my wife gets pregnant just by me brushing up against her in the hallway!!!LOL

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    that avatar looks like 2 guys fucking, kinda scary...but as far as the conceiving, the dbol will shut down your hpta real quick, not to mention the eq, winny, and t200 aren't going to help either...youll still be producing sprem, but they wont be as many and possibly not mature enough to conceive...its possible but the odds are not as high as they would be if you weren't on a cycle...hope this helps a bit, bump for more responses

    lol, thats what I thought at first, but if you look closely there are boobs hanging down on the female

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