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  1. #1
    sampson11's Avatar
    sampson11 is offline Junior Member
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    Letro or Proviron and Cabergoline

    Hey guys,

    Still doing some research for my up comming cycle of test P/ Tren A and Var. Have been reading through one8nine's thread on PCT but have one question. Do you think while on cycle I should use Letro to battle progesterone and estrogen or Proviron for estrogen and Cabergoline for progesterone? I understand that letro isnt best for pct so I will have to get Cabergoline anyway.

    Thanks in advance for the advice.
    Last edited by sampson11; 08-25-2008 at 10:39 PM.

  2. #2
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    the BEST thing you can do is caber/proviron but keep letro on hand just in case of sides, but thats an expensive option.

  3. #3
    sampson11's Avatar
    sampson11 is offline Junior Member
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    Ok, but what advantage does doing it that way with the proviron and caber have over just taking letro from day, doesn't letro block 98% percent of estrogen so would be a safer option as I have heard people claim that proviron was not strong enough for tren . Not saying proviron and caber is not the way to go just want to understand the bennift of it over letro.

  4. #4
    sampson11's Avatar
    sampson11 is offline Junior Member
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    Can anyone clear this up for me?

  5. #5
    sampson11's Avatar
    sampson11 is offline Junior Member
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    Can you give me the heads up on this one8nine?

  6. #6
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by sampson11;415****
    Ok, but what advantage does doing it that way with the proviron and caber have over just taking letro from day, doesn't letro block 98% percent of estrogen so would be a safer option as I have heard people claim that proviron was not strong enough for tren. Not saying proviron and caber is not the way to go just want to understand the bennift of it over letro.
    letro is very strong but can be too strong. letro doesnt lower shbg as well as proviron , or impact prolactin as well as caber.

    proviron will handle enough estro, bind to shbg. caber will have a very strong impact on prolactin.

    letro is good, very good, very effective.
    but proviron/caber will actually aid gains.

  7. #7
    sampson11's Avatar
    sampson11 is offline Junior Member
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    May 2008
    Thats what I was looking for. Cheers for that one8nine, great information as always!

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