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Thread: first cycle results

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    first cycle results

    wk 1-9 200mg eq
    week1-11 300mg test e
    week1-3 30mg dbol ed
    week 10-13 50mg winny ed

    started at 5'8" 175 with 7% bf
    finished at 5'8" 193 with 5% bf with no water and solid muscle
    strength went through the roof

    anyone have any second cycle ideas?
    deca is really not an option
    want to include fina, but probably use in later cycles not now

    was thinking 500mg sust or cyp, 400mg eq, with a-bombs or dbol at start and winny to finish up with, any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Good results Bro, I think you should stick to the test enan. Go with the 500mg test, 400mg eq and the winny. You might want to go for 12 weeks.
    1-13 500mg test
    1-12 400mg eq
    10-15 winny 50mg ed
    Last winny friday of week 15 start clomid monday of week 16. JMO

    Last edited by JohnnyB; 11-01-2002 at 10:29 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Hey, I'm planning to use a similar stack for my first cycle:

    Test Enanthate 400mg (10 wks)
    EQ 400mg (10 wks)
    D-bol 25mg (3-4 wks)
    Followed by some clomid with some nolva on hand. I'm starting at 5-10, 165 lbs. I've only lifted for 1 yr, but this will be the only time I can pull a cycle off without getting caught.

    Dank, did you have any side effects while on your cycle (i.e acne, gyno, bloating)? Did you use arimidex? How long has it been since you got off and have you kept all gains?

    For everyone else, any other comments?

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