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  1. #1
    tard_zone is offline Associate Member
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    Testosterone Injection

    Hey guys, this if my first cycle and just need a little input. Im in my third week of test. enth. 500 mg/week for 10 weeks only cycle. I dislike doing injections and have an ex-nurse doing it for me that is a close friend. He is gone for my next three injections and this may be a problem. I did one earlier today in my glute. Very tough to do because I cant reach back there to do it and the needle was movin around lots and as i was injection the oil the needle was not at a 90 degree angle like it should have, it was much more slanted. Is this a problem because I was only using a one inch needle and it was slanted, so is there a chance the oil didnt make it to the muscle or is somewhere that it shouldnt be? The reason I am doing glutes is because, I tried both quads and one got so swollen I couldn't walk and when I did my right glute, I had no problems so no I am on to my left glute. I wasnt sure how sore my shoulders would be after injecting but I train shoulder a day or two after my injection so I dont want it to effect my training, plus dont know if my shoulders would like to have 2cc's. My last question is that after the needle moves around when it is already insdie the muscle, and youve aspirated with no blood withdrawn but the needle is wiggled around enough, is there a chance that it could pierce some other blood vessel in the process. I know that injecting into one can be serious and result in death, which is why I have a fear of injecting, it isnt the needle or pain, its just the fact that if this goes where its not supposed to I could be dead. Also is it normal not to have drastic gains by the start of the 3rd week, because I know its during the third week and after that gains start being drastic. But I dont know if i even notice anything yet.

  2. #2
    stallion_1 is offline suspended
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    1.if you have a lot of fat, a 1 inch needle in the glute wont do it
    only if u have low fat or are skinny should u use 1 inch needle in the ass
    2.test enth kicks in about 5-6 weeks too soon to see results
    3. try ur shoulders, such easy task, split the 2 mls into to shots
    it hurts a bit, but ull be able to train
    4.i know it may move around a bit but if u see no blood tis ok
    if u see blood pull out immediately

  3. #3
    tard_zone is offline Associate Member
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    Well what is considered to have alot of fat, and if I am too high of bf for a 1 inch needle for glutes does that mean there is 500 mg of test in some place its nto supposed to be in and I will not get the 500 mg dose of test?

  4. #4
    stallion_1 is offline suspended
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    well i dont know where that test is, but it should be in the muscle
    i dont really know if ur body will absorb it even if one injects in the fat issue
    thats one q for the doctor
    usually 1.5 inch for ass is ideal.
    im telling u do the shoulders such easy task. or the thighs

  5. #5
    3v1lj03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tard_zone View Post
    Well what is considered to have alot of fat, and if I am too high of bf for a 1 inch needle for glutes does that mean there is 500 mg of test in some place its nto supposed to be in and I will not get the 500 mg dose of test?
    IT will be OK it will slow the absorption rate. There are 1000s of guys on TRT (Test replacement therapy) Now getting their test by sub-q injection. Stop worrying and shoot the delts. Virgin muscle always hurts. put in less then 1 cc in one spot the first time. I like to work the muscle that just got injected it helps work out any stiffness.

  6. #6
    tard_zone is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3v1lj03 View Post
    IT will be OK it will slow the absorption rate. There are 1000s of guys on TRT (Test replacement therapy) Now getting their test by sub-q injection. Stop worrying and shoot the delts. Virgin muscle always hurts. put in less then 1 cc in one spot the first time. I like to work the muscle that just got injected it helps work out any stiffness.
    How much mroe does it slow it down?

  7. #7
    thecivilizedanimal's Avatar
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    just learn some other sites, test e will take longer to be absorbed thenother compounds, but after massaging it in and possibly working that area you'll be fine

    the only blood you need to worry about is if it enters the syringe while aspirating .

    you will not die or suffer any complications if you see a little dribble of blood after,.

    stop worrying

    if you're doing glutes continue but do quads as well ( and possibly delts ) all can handle 2ml easy

  8. #8
    stpete is offline Banned
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    You're not going to die man. Split your ass in half horizontally. Stay above that horizontal line always. The sciatic runs through the lower quandron of your ass, so stay away from there. s p o t i n j e c t i o n s . c o m Take the spaces out and go that site.

  9. #9
    RANA's Avatar
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    What are your stats?

  10. #10
    inky-e's Avatar
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    the three oh!
    You're not gonna feel anything in week three. Maybe 4-5.

  11. #11
    tard_zone is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    You're not going to die man. Split your ass in half horizontally. Stay above that horizontal line always. The sciatic runs through the lower quandron of your ass, so stay away from there. s p o t i n j e c t i o n s . c o m Take the spaces out and go that site.
    I wasn't concerned about the sciatic nerve because I've taken anatomy and know the site I did would not hit it. I was wondering though that after I aspirated and no blood was shown then I pulled out the syringe a bit and wiggled it around and push it back in then I injected. I though maybe all this moving and re-injecting it could have hit another blood vessel in the process. It was extremely difficult for me do my glutes by myself. It was a one handed job and my non cordinated hand on top of that.

  12. #12
    tard_zone is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by thecivilizedanimal View Post
    just learn some other sites, test e will take longer to be absorbed thenother compounds, but after massaging it in and possibly working that area you'll be fine

    the only blood you need to worry about is if it enters the syringe while aspirating .

    you will not die or suffer any complications if you see a little dribble of blood after,.

    stop worrying

    if you're doing glutes continue but do quads as well ( and possibly delts ) all can handle 2ml easy
    I wasn't worrying about a dribble of blood after the injection was complete, I was worried about aspirating then withdrawing and pushing in and changing angle after aspirating then injecting. Thought It could have entered a blood vessel while doing so.

    Also I will continue to shoot glutes, but refuse to do quads for the remainder of the cycle. When i shot my first one in my right quad it was very painful and walking was difficult. When I did my left quad, it became very swollen and red and had to take a day off work because of the pain and walking was extremely difficult. The third injection was in my right glute but not in the upper/outer quadrant it was much more lateral. This had zero pain and I liked it, but could not landmark it myself on my own. My fourth injection last night was in my left upper/outer glute. Today it is sore, but does not effect me as much as my quads did. I might try shoulders but if they can't hold 2 cc's, I will wait till next cycle. Because if my shoulder gets as swollen and painful as my leg did, I would not be able to train chest, shoulders, triceps, and maybe more upper body muscle groups that the lateral side muscle might effectt. If my quad gets swollen, it is just leg day that I can't do, but with my routine by the time I do legs I am much more recovered.
    Last edited by tard_zone; 08-17-2008 at 04:03 PM.

  13. #13
    tard_zone is offline Associate Member
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    And since I used a one inch needle to inject in my glutes and was not a full 90 degree angle since I could not reach back there, is there a high probability that it did not make it to the muscle. Because if I don't get this 500 mg of test for this week, I will do another injection to make up for it. Im sure my body will absorb it somehow, but if its sub-q I don't want any complications. So are 1.5" needles an absolutely must for glute injections and no more 1" needles?
    Last edited by tard_zone; 08-17-2008 at 04:03 PM.

  14. #14
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tard_zone View Post
    And since I used a one inch needle to inject in my glutes and was not a full 90 degree angle since I could not reach back there, is there a high probability that it did not make it to the muscle. Because if I don't get this 500 mg of test for this week, I will do another injection to make up for it. Im sure my body will absorb it somehow, but if its sub-q I don't want any complications.
    if you injected 2mL subQ you would notice a big lump, 1mL subQ is about the max you can handle

    if you used a 1" needle and didn't get into the muscle then you shouldn't be cycling as your bf is too high

    btw, don't inject 2mLs into your delts, thats a little too much

    read this, its injection info

  15. #15
    tard_zone is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    if you injected 2mL subQ you would notice a big lump, 1mL subQ is about the max you can handle

    if you used a 1" needle and didn't get into the muscle then you shouldn't be cycling as your bf is too high

    btw, don't inject 2mLs into your delts, thats a little too much

    read this, its injection info
    I know all that injection info. But since my body took all 2 ml, I guess it must have been in the muscle because if it can only handle 1 mL and I don't have a big lump. Just a little lump which usually happens. So normal bodyfat, the needle should reach muscle in the glute with a one inch (but technically it wasn't the full inch due to it was angled not at a perfect 90 degree and wasn't flush with the skin but close to). Tomorrow I will go pick up a 1.5 inch

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