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Thread: Low Test Levels/ Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Post Low Test Levels/ Cycle

    Ok guys my doc has established that i need a shot of 200mg of test every other week to get my levels normal and for my liver not to be that high, now the thing is that i want to run a 10 or 12 week cycle, what i am planning of doing is after my last week just resume my my therapy, 200mgs every other week, no pct. What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    If your doc is going to give you HRT, then no, you will not need PCT. PCT is to allow your endogenous testosterone to regain normal production levels. The 200 a week that he will be giving you will shut that down and you will then rely on the bi-weekly shot to provide you with your test.

    Now, here is the tricky part. most likely when he puts you on HRT he will want to do a follow-up test to check that your levels are in acceptable ranges. You should not be on cycle when this takes place for obvious reasons. . . .the test will show your levels through the roof and he will likely know something is up or want to back off. You definately do not want him to back off your prescribed amount. Because the more you are "cruising" on, the more gains you will be able to keep from your cycles.

    So you might want to play it cool and stay off cycle until that treatment is well under way.

    You also need to talk your dr into allowing you to give your own injections so you do not have to go pay a copay every two weeks. If he does allow you to, then I suggest injecting 100mg (half the dose) every week. Your levels will stay much more even for you. Most likely he is going to be putting you on test cypionate.

    Now, once you are in full swing, you can run a cycle pretty much anytime you want. Your HRT will be for life. So since he is going to shut your natty test down with the cyp, there are no PCT worries, there are no off-time worries for test. But, what you DO have to be aware of is liver funtion. Anything that is liver toxic, the rules still apply for you on HRT as they do anyone else. HRT does not take away from the fact that oral winny, for a single example, will fry your liver if you try to cruise on it for 6 months.

    Hope that helps

  3. #3
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    the three oh!
    First how bout them stats??!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Kynetguy, I already take my own shots, and i stay away from orals for the same reason to do with the liver, i never thought about splitting my shots every week, Thanks for that advice. The doc is seening me every 3 months now, After i stop my cycle ( test& decca) about how long do you think i should wait or in other words stall for my follow up so my levels will be close to the hrt.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Inky_E, My stats are 5,7" 185 lbs and a glorious 33 years old oh and bf around 11%

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