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  1. #1
    D.L.'s Avatar
    D.L. is offline Junior Member
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    Cardiovascular musclegrowth

    I've heard that you'll eventually get enlarged heart by doing a lot of roids. This is a fact, cos when doing heavy BB the muscles will press on the veins and cause the heart to pump harder, thus growing bigger and stronger... Have anyone had any problems with this??
    It sounds somewhat logical that doing a lot of intense cardio should help on this cos it'll give your heart more endurance...?

    But what do you guys do to prevent/minimize this???

  2. #2
    BIGB's Avatar
    BIGB is offline Associate Member
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    Any athlete will have a larger heart than a couch potatoe it is scientifically proven. and this is not a bad thing it means your heart is strong and actually has to beat less to supply your body with the needed blood hence lower resting heart rate good. But when you get an enlarged heart on roids that is not good can't really explain why or how it happens but it's not something you want to happen and it in my opinion is not preventable if its gonna happen it will if not it wont

    thats my 2 cents

  3. #3
    Ex_banana-eater's Avatar
    Ex_banana-eater is offline Junior Member
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    AAS only promote skeletal muscle hypertrophy, not cardiac muscle hypertrophy. However, athletes who cycle steroids have been shown to have bigger hearts compared to drug free counterparts. This may in fact be attributed to the longer time training (steroid users often start after a number of years of bodybuilding) or the higher frequency and vollume of training, and other training factors not attributed to AAS

  4. #4
    BIGB's Avatar
    BIGB is offline Associate Member
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    i don't agree to what Ex b says he may be right but if roids made mausscle grow than why wouldn't your heart grom why did a guy at my gym almost die from an enlarged heart due to roid use. But it still is true that ppl who do workout do have lager hearts.

  5. #5
    Ex_banana-eater's Avatar
    Ex_banana-eater is offline Junior Member
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    Originally posted by BIGB
    i don't agree to what Ex b says he may be right but if roids made mausscle grow than why wouldn't your heart grom .
    because your heart is cardiac muscle, and not skeletal muscle.

  6. #6
    Mastiff is offline Member
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    I know HGH will make the heart grow. I think weightlifters and endurance athletes have stronger hearts. The enlarged heart thing being dangerous is when your heart is in real bad shape, say its leaking thru a shunt or something, it grows bigger to pump more to overcome the loss. This is why you don't want to tell your insurance company you have a big heart. They see it as a sign of sickness. If your fit its probably a sign of strength.

  7. #7
    Tock's Avatar
    Tock is offline Anabolic Member
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    I read somewhere that over time the wall seperating the ventricles gets thicker. Forget where, though.

  8. #8
    D.L.'s Avatar
    D.L. is offline Junior Member
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    It's just that I knew a guy who suddenly died riding his bike home from the gym... And some years ago there was that 100 meter sprinter who had a heart the size of a horse's when she died...
    It's not really nice to think about

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