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  1. #1
    domino1010 is offline New Member
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    First time injection

    After a few oral cycles I have decided to try injectables. I know it sounds like I'm a puss but I am having a hard time injecting myself. Are there any tricks or suggestions to make the first injection easier.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by domino1010 View Post
    After a few oral cycles I have decided to try injectables. I know it sounds like I'm a puss but I am having a hard time injecting myself. Are there any tricks or suggestions to make the first injection easier.
    Can you get someone else to inject you?

  3. #3
    Bullyson's Avatar
    Bullyson is offline Associate Member
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    I had issues with my 1st pin too. Just clean it with alcohol and do it. Once you get passed the 1st few, its easy. I look forward to my injections now. I actually like it.

  4. #4
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by domino1010 View Post
    After a few oral cycles I have decided to try injectables. I know it sounds like I'm a puss but I am having a hard time injecting myself. Are there any tricks or suggestions to make the first injection easier.
    Hey, we've all been there! Best advise is this. The first couple of times, have someone inject you. that way you will get over the fear of "pain". (It is painless). If you can't find someone to do it, or when the time comes for you to actually do it, NEVER try and "dart" yourself. It's way to hard to convince yourself to quickly stick a part of your body. I would sit there for hours trying. hell, I would take a few shots of Jack and I still couldn't do it. Instead, Push the needle slowly in. It is MUCH eaiser that way. I always push a little of the gear out so the needle is lubbed up and it helps slide it in. Also, when drawing your gear, use a different needle than the one your going to shoot yourself with. For years I always used one and now that I draw with a different needle, it goes in MUCH eaiser.

    Best of luck!

  5. #5
    arenawarrior is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by domino1010 View Post
    After a few oral cycles I have decided to try injectables. I know it sounds like I'm a puss but I am having a hard time injecting myself. Are there any tricks or suggestions to make the first injection easier.
    honestly dude.. i had my FIRst pin a few days, ago.. i drank a shit load the night before.. i was hung over.. but ya.. i was such a *****. i kepted putting it up to my cheek, and then puss out. I would push alittle each time, then it went in and i was liek seriously thats all.. Then i started to freak out before it took so long for the oil to go through.. could have been because i drank to much last night then had milk when i woke up.. not a good idea.. I am looking forward to my next shot tomorrow.. because well i know how it is.. you will be fine!!!

  6. #6
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    I don't pin myself. I've done it a couple of times but I prefer my wife to do it. She's become quite an expert! I Do pin myself with HCG , its a much smaller needle.

  7. #7
    jethro1's Avatar
    jethro1 is offline Associate Member
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    Just have to man up and do it, it doesn't even hurt. Maybe a little sore after, but nothing to worry about. 23gx 1.5'' for glutes, or 23gx1'' for quads or delts.

  8. #8
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jethro1 View Post
    Just have to man up and do it, it doesn't even hurt. Maybe a little sore after, but nothing to worry about. 23gx 1.5'' for glutes, or 23gx1'' for quads or delts.
    Hell, I now just use 23g 1 1/2" inch for everything!! 1" needles bore me!!!

  9. #9
    Jfew44's Avatar
    Jfew44 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by arenawarrior View Post
    honestly dude.. i had my FIRst pin a few days, ago.. i drank a shit load the night before.. i was hung over.. but ya.. i was such a *****. i kepted putting it up to my cheek, and then puss out. I would push alittle each time, then it went in and i was liek seriously thats all.. Then i started to freak out before it took so long for the oil to go through.. could have been because i drank to much last night then had milk when i woke up.. not a good idea.. I am looking forward to my next shot tomorrow.. because well i know how it is.. you will be fine!!!
    Not trying to flame you, but you do not need to be usings steroids with the mindset you have right now. Steroids + Drinking = Very very bad. As for the pinning, I got over it by injecting in my delt while squeezing a sock or something with the hand I wasn't pinning with. After a few you should be fine, maybe even enjoy it.

    But seriously, dont drink while on cycle, if at all.

  10. #10
    magickflash2 is offline Junior Member
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    Put the bottle in some warm water to get the oil to flow a little better.

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