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i have used methandrostenolone(anabolic steroid) 2 years ago(when i 18 years old) for 3 weeks(used it under 25mg per day) + winstrol(stanozolol).
After the peroid that i used it(methandrostenolone+winstro) i use tamoxifen(anti estrogen) for two weeks.
My cycle is three week:
Week 1: 10mg methandrostenolone perday
week 2: 15mg-20mg methandrostenolone perday
week 3: 25mg methandrostenolone perday
week 1,2,3: Approximately 8-9 number winstrol 1ml depot zambon injection.
terrible cycle.
sum of the methandrostenolone use in three week cycle is: 400 mg approximately.
1.i need to know is there any post cycle therapy must i took after that period(2 years ago) that i didn't? yes
2.am i now healthy after two years?you should be fine
3.as you see my cycle is low(first week) dosage use to high(3rd week) dosage, is there any problem?yes too many to list, start from scratch
4.is my body hormones balanced now?yes it should be, only way to tell is too get bloodwork done
6.which hormunes test should i took?wtf?
7.is that hormune period damaged me in 18?this is covered in question 2 and 4