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  1. #1
    GetYourWeightUp is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Raise dosage or coast than come back on?

    Im starting to peak and not gaining much more from my cycle (been on 10 weeks-3rd cycle) and am not looking to cut it yet, should I bump the dosage from 500mg test 400mg deca to 750test 600deca or coast on like say 125test 100deca for 3-4 weeks to retain wut i got and than bump it up to 750/600 for another month or so? I kno, I should jus come off and wait for my next cycle but thats not what Im asking so dont gimme that shit, what can I do to keep the gains coming, or do I just need to bite the bullet and wait. I dont want much more maybe another 7-10lbs and ill be happy. Also, I can get some anadrol would that gimme that final push or is my body jus burned out n i needa come off?

  2. #2
    Jfew44's Avatar
    Jfew44 is offline Senior Member
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    Middle of a Cornfield
    Bite the bullet and wait. I know you dont want to hear it but it's whats needed. If this is your third cycle I'd cut the deca out and run the test for 2 more weeks then PCT. Wait 3 months then get back on the train. What have your gains been like so far?

  3. #3
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    May 2004
    ^^i agree

  4. #4
    GetYourWeightUp is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Theyve been great, I grow like a weed on the shit

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