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Thread: Syringe

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002


    Can I use the same syringe to inject and to administer liquidex? Or is it going to make the syringe unsterile?? anyone done this??


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    u can use the same syringe to draw the liquid, but i would change the pin everytime i inject, reusing will make the pin dull and can make things very painful after several uses. this will cause a buioldup of scar tissue. someone had a great post on this board with a linked picture of what a needle looks like after being reused. if i find it i will post it again here, i think it makes it very clear as to why u shoudl change ur pins after every injcetion! peronally ive used the same pin once or twice to do a second injection,it can be done, but that was only bc i was in a bind and didnt ahve anymore left, optimally u would like to have a new one for each injection

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    i appreciate the feedback Jact, but i meant otherwise. meaning if i use the same syringe to inject test, can i still use the same syringe (not needle) to take the liquidex orally? i only have 1 syringe and a whole bunch needles. will using the same syringe to take liquidex make it unsterile?

  4. #4
    If you aspirate, and you should, I wouldn't do it. You get body fluids in the syringe, and I can't see how that could be sterile.

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