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Thread: Safety, pros/cons. worth it? newbie

  1. #1

    Safety, pros/cons. worth it? newbie

    Ayyy guys, i've been reading up on the board for the past 3 days or so constantly and have found TONS of useful information and I appreciate all the great people on these boards that spend there time to help out others. Heres my situation. I want to gain a good 15lbs in lean muscle with the help of juice. Wanna gain it within couple months then never take a cycle again hopefully. I have looked at multiple diet posts and guides on here and have pretty much found out how much I have to eat and what to eat and when to eat it. My question is if I do a cycle, diet correctly. work out properly. then end cycle and continue on with diet and workout as if nothing changed will i keep my weight? Also, more importantly, will anything change about my body (besides muscle mass). Like will it be harder for me to gain mass naturally if I do a cycle of test-e and then cut it off and try to gain it naturally?

    20yrs old.
    6.9%body fat
    super high metabolism. Worked out for a year from 17 to 18. Gained like only 8 pounds of mass. Got frustrated and quit it and here I am now. The diet will be NO problem for me as I can eat anything and lots of it. I am thinking around 4000cals. 250g protein. 400 carbs. 60-80g fats for my daily intake...sound good?

    Thanks for the help and support !
    Last edited by 8wun3; 08-20-2008 at 02:55 PM. Reason: correct body fat %

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    R.I.P. TMOS
    5'9 120lbs?

    I understand youre a small guy, but dude your problem is one that can be solved by diet, not gear.

    You need to start that diet, and stick to it for a few years, these things take time! Nothing will be done overnight.

    1) Start your diet ASAP, and follow it to the T!
    2) Continue training and perhaps seek the help of a professional trainer.
    3) You need to gain at LEAST 40lbs over the next 3 to 4 years natural to even THINK about AAS.

    The fact of the matter is, youre too small and underdeveloped, and more than likely you will end up doing long term damage to your tendons and joints.

    Like you said above, you got frustrated and ended up quiting and now you are looking for the easy fix!

    Again, your answer is to diet and train over the next few years. Sorry, i know this is not the answer you were looking for!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Dude it really is up to diet. I got 2 "friends" that just finished up their first cycles with Test E 500mg/week. First off I know they shouldn't even be cycling as they could have gained a whole lot on their own if they just trained and dieted properly because they barely have any muscle to begin with. Both gained barely any muscle from their cycles and its all because they can't eat for shit. It doesn't matter how many steroids you take it won't do a damn thing if you don't eat enough.

  4. #4
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  5. #5
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by dece870717 View Post
    Dude it really is up to diet. I got 2 "friends" that just finished up their first cycles with Test E 500mg/week. First off I know they shouldn't even be cycling as they could have gained a whole lot on their own if they just trained and dieted properly because they barely have any muscle to begin with. Both gained barely any muscle from their cycles and its all because they can't eat for shit. It doesn't matter how many steroids you take it won't do a damn thing if you don't eat enough.
    Good post. I can attest to that. I was injecting a shitload of gear and had minimum gains because my diet was crap. Keep in mind Im 32 y/o. I overhauled my diet and WHAM. Gains out the ass. Give it a few years and watch what you can do naturally. You'll feel much better about your gains that way and you wont risk f*cking yourself up for good.

  6. #6
    Actually I now weigh 115 and only have 6.9% body fat. ive quit working so much and have been playin bball and tennis 2 to 3 times a week. my metabolism is super high. i understand diet i key but it is super hard for me to gain weight. I appreciate the responses
    Last edited by 8wun3; 08-20-2008 at 02:56 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by 8wun3 View Post
    Actually I now weigh 115 and only have 3.9% body fat. ive quit working so much and have been playin bball and tennis 2 to 3 times a week. my metabolism is super high. i understand diet i key but it is super hard for me to gain weight. I appreciate the responses
    I highly doubt your bf% is 3.9. Post up a sample diet of what you eat on a daily basis inc times.

  8. #8
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by 8wun3 View Post
    Actually I now weigh 115 and only have 3.9% body fat. ive quit working so much and have been playin bball and tennis 2 to 3 times a week. my metabolism is super high. i understand diet i key but it is super hard for me to gain weight. I appreciate the responses

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    First off, your diet is horrible if you only weight 115 pounds. 2. I can't stress this point enough. There is NO such thing as doing 1 cycle. PERIOD. Don't kid yourself. You are to young to even think about using steroids.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by 8wun3 View Post

    3.9%body fat

    Worked out for a year from 17 to 18.
    Gained like only 8 pounds of mass.
    Got frustrated and quit it and here I am now.

    your height and weight show diet is a problem for you. you can gain 30 pounds naturally in a few months if you get your diet right you dont need steroids to gain 15 in a few months.

    there is absolutely no possibility your bf% is that low unless you only eat once a week, of youre cutting for a show

    you trained for a year and gave up? youre not ready.

    hers the order of importance in gaining weight
    1. diet
    2. diet
    3. diet
    4. diet
    5. diet
    6. diet
    7. training
    8. training
    9. training
    105. steroids

    youre about 104 steps away

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post

    The fact of the matter is, youre too small and underdeveloped, and more than likely you will end up doing long term damage to your tendons and joints.
    best point all thread

    more harm will come than good

  12. #12
    813 are you from tampa?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    123 Fake St.
    120lbs and you want to cycle?

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Tampa Bay
    Yeah, sounds like he's fishing... Sorry bro, gotta work hard like the rest of us!

  15. #15
    sorry guys, i have one of those weight/body fat things you stand on and this morning it read 3.9....its now fluctuating between 6 and 7. piece of crap

  16. #16
    and yea from tampa. the cycle thing was a thought. i decided to ask opinions on everything before i seriously considered it. You guys no your shit and I will be taking your advice. thanks

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Kahnawake, Quebec
    They are crap, they measure dehydration better than BF.

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