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  1. #1
    infojunky79 is offline New Member
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    Question Hair safe cycle......PLease Help!!!

    I am 6'0" 170lbs. I have been on only one cycle before:

    sust. 250 and deca @ 1cc each once a week for 8 weeks. No tapering on or off and no PCT.

    I think I may be prone to MPB and since I have been off the aforementioned cycle I have started loosing my hair pretty bad. Truthfully, (and I know you bald guys are going to tell me to man-up and take it, but) I am SCARED. I want to try and keep as much of it as I can but I am still wanting to run one more cycle. The safest on hair as possible. From what I understand Anavar , Primo and Deca are the safest amongst them. ??? I am leaning towards Anavar. Weak but safe. But I am unsure whether to run a low dose of test with it for base reasons or if this would be counter-produtive to the whole point of taking a mild substance for hair loss like anavar. I just want to gain 10-20lbs of lean muscle;no bloating or little water retention.

    My questions are these: (and god please someone help me answer these)

    What is the most "Hair-Safe" cycle out there?
    Should there be some kind of Test as the base?
    What hair care products and pharms do you take during the process and afterwards to hault or regrow (if any) hair during your cycle?
    Is Primo a test?
    I have heard Primo inj. and Anavar would be the safest, but I am not sure.
    For whatever suggested cycle is given, please give a PCT example too.
    Anavar or Tbol?
    BTW......which combination is the one where you DO NOT want to take Proscar with?

    Please help! Thanks so much.

  2. #2
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
    Dog-Slime is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by infojunky79 View Post
    What is the most "Hair-Safe" cycle out there? T-bol only
    Should there be some kind of Test as the base? Doesn't have to be, if there is i would use a low hrt dose (150mgs/week)
    What hair care products and pharms do you take during the process and afterwards to hault or regrow (if any) hair during your cycle? Nizoral shampoo
    Is Primo a test? NO, its a dht
    I have heard Primo inj. and Anavar would be the safest, but I am not sure.
    For whatever suggested cycle is given, please give a PCT example too.
    Anavar or Tbol? Never tried var but my research points to t-bol
    BTW......which combination is the one where you DO NOT want to take Proscar with? Deca

    Please help! Thanks so much.
    Pct for a t-bol only cycle can be pretty light but I would still run an AI + nolva (20mgs) ED for 4 weeks.

    Im answering your questions but I think you need to look into the diet forum and read the HOW TO BULK sample diet thread first. 6' 170 is pretty small to have a cycle under your belt. Get a good diet going. Gain as much as you can naturally and then think about a t-bol cycle after the gains slow down.

  3. #3
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
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    I happen to agree with the Tbol only. Great drug, great results, not much on the hair. And this is coming from someone who shed like mad on anavar .

  4. #4
    infojunky79 is offline New Member
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    So if I am hearing both of you correctly.....T-Bol only is the safest? Without a test base won't I have some sort of complications? As far as the hair care products are concerned, I was thinking about proscar, nizorol, rogaine and spiro. Is o.k. or too much??? What about Finasteride/Propecia? What does the AI in the PCT suggestion mean? I know I seem a little small but......I was 185......lost it all for two reasons:

    Got a very time-consuming job which did not allow me to work out afterwards as I should be and Ihad no PCT. Virtually lost it all. I have gone the route of nutrition for quite a while but i just happen to e one of those guys that @ 4000+ cals. a day can't get past a certain point. I really do need the extra boost for a little while. I have shitty genetics and a heavy job. How much can I expect to cut fat, and how much can I expect to gain in muscle on one cycle of t-Bol? Not that I need to cut much fat....just curious. T-Bol is all oral correct? Thanks guys.

  5. #5
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
    Dog-Slime is offline Senior Member
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    T-bol is only lightly suppressive and boosts libido on its own so if you keep your cycle around 6 weeks you shouldn't have any problems with no test. Those products are ok. I just use nizoral. Propecia OR proscar can be used. Dont use them both and they wont help with any hairloss from t-bol so only take it if you are already on it permanately. An AI is an aromatose inhibitor (letro, arimidex , aromasin ). You really need to research more about proper pct if you do not know these kinds of things.

  6. #6
    infojunky79 is offline New Member
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    Yes.....I understand. Thanks for the advice. I feel like a scalded child! =)

  7. #7
    infojunky79 is offline New Member
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  8. #8
    MR_T's Avatar
    MR_T is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by infojunky79 View Post
    I am 6'0" 170lbs. I have been on only one cycle before:

    sust. 250 and deca @ 1cc each once a week for 8 weeks. No tapering on or off and no PCT.

    I think I may be prone to MPB and since I have been off the aforementioned cycle I have started loosing my hair pretty bad. Truthfully, (and I know you bald guys are going to tell me to man-up and take it, but) I am SCARED. I want to try and keep as much of it as I can but I am still wanting to run one more cycle. The safest on hair as possible. From what I understand Anavar , Primo and Deca are the safest amongst them. ??? I am leaning towards Anavar. Weak but safe. But I am unsure whether to run a low dose of test with it for base reasons or if this would be counter-produtive to the whole point of taking a mild substance for hair loss like anavar. I just want to gain 10-20lbs of lean muscle;no bloating or little water retention.

    My questions are these: (and god please someone help me answer these)

    What is the most "Hair-Safe" cycle out there?
    Should there be some kind of Test as the base?
    What hair care products and pharms do you take during the process and afterwards to hault or regrow (if any) hair during your cycle?
    Is Primo a test?
    I have heard Primo inj. and Anavar would be the safest, but I am not sure.
    For whatever suggested cycle is given, please give a PCT example too.
    Anavar or Tbol?
    BTW......which combination is the one where you DO NOT want to take Proscar with?

    Please help! Thanks so much.
    are you kidding, learn to eat before you touch roids again.. your diet needs work and gear without diet is a waste. 170@6' after a cycle is a ridiculous size to mess around with gear... go visit the diet forum, there are great sample diets or post up your diet so we can help you.. If your diet sucks you wont gain sqat with any steroid

  9. #9
    infojunky79 is offline New Member
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    I understand and I agree with you all the way. My meals are top-notch and they have all essential ratios for lean mas gains. I am simply at a point where I am tired of trying to massive and I just want to have a little lean muscle gains. Kind of a clean cut look. Nothing major. I was uniformed and handled the first cycle badly. I feel I can get it right his time....hence the reason i am talking about a mild venture like this one instead of something stupid like TREN . My metabolism is insane and it is very very hard to maintain or build mass. Thanks for the advice.

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