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Thread: Is Deca my best choice to heal my pec strain?

  1. #1

    Is Deca my best choice to heal my pec strain?

    Hello All!

    As you can see this is my first post, and I would like you all to know that I have just read the following information:

    Common Abbreviations
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    The Newbie Starter Pack
    The Educational Thread

    So I'm doing as much due diligence to do my research as I possibly can.

    Here's my question:

    I moderately strained my left pec muscle up by my armpit 4 months ago and it has yet to heal. I've been to Physical Therapy, taken a full month off from ANY lifting whatsoever, seen a chiropractor and acupuncturist, and yet I'm still in pain. It's mild pain but annoying enough that I can't lift as heavy as I want.

    I have read and heard that Deca will help heal me. But I've never done a cycle of anything before. And I'm not really looking to get huge, just healed and slightly while I'm at it.

    Because I know that my first cycle should have Test in it, should I run 500mg of test and 200-400mg of Deca? If I do that I'm afraid I'm going to get huge, and I don't really want that. Of course I would run 20mg of Nolva to be safe from gyno and then 3 weeks after my last shot of Test I would start clomid at 100mg for the first 2 weeks then 50mg for the last 2.

    Currently I'm 29yrs old 6'2" 204lbs. and about 16%BF.

    I was thinking of stacking Winny with deca to help heal me and lower my BF, but then there's no Test and then I'm screwed right?

    So what is the best stack for me if my priorities are these:

    1. Heal my chest
    2. Cut some fat
    3. Gain 10lbs. of muscle

    Again, I'm trying to do my research, and I would appreciate anyone who has taken the time to read this to give me any advice that you think would be helpful.


    Wizdom C Kerr

  2. #2


    I would take a break and let it heal.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Confederate States
    Quote Originally Posted by wizdom c kerr View Post
    Hello All!

    As you can see this is my first post, and I would like you all to know that I have just read the following information:

    Common Abbreviations
    The Rules
    The Newbie Starter Pack
    The Educational Thread

    So I'm doing as much due diligence to do my research as I possibly can.

    Here's my question:

    I moderately strained my left pec muscle up by my armpit 4 months ago and it has yet to heal. I've been to Physical Therapy, taken a full month off from ANY lifting whatsoever, seen a chiropractor and acupuncturist, and yet I'm still in pain. It's mild pain but annoying enough that I can't lift as heavy as I want.

    I have read and heard that Deca will help heal me. But I've never done a cycle of anything before. And I'm not really looking to get huge, just healed and slightly while I'm at it.

    Because I know that my first cycle should have Test in it, should I run 500mg of test and 200-400mg of Deca? If I do that I'm afraid I'm going to get huge, and I don't really want that. Of course I would run 20mg of Nolva to be safe from gyno and then 3 weeks after my last shot of Test I would start clomid at 100mg for the first 2 weeks then 50mg for the last 2.

    Currently I'm 29yrs old 6'2" 204lbs. and about 16%BF.

    I was thinking of stacking Winny with deca to help heal me and lower my BF, but then there's no Test and then I'm screwed right?

    So what is the best stack for me if my priorities are these:

    1. Heal my chest
    2. Cut some fat
    3. Gain 10lbs. of muscle

    Again, I'm trying to do my research, and I would appreciate anyone who has taken the time to read this to give me any advice that you think would be helpful.


    Wizdom C Kerr
    wow not a lot of newbies read all the info, so good job, and u seem smart to be a newbie.

    now usually deca is used in low doses to help the joints, im not so sure it will help with ur pec other than u might retain water and put water in ur for mass building goals, usually deca is stacked 400 mg or above so 200 mg is too low.
    if u dont wanna get huge, why not just use deca in low doses to see if it helps u with ur injury?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    welcome seem to have done some good research...but here's the deal...sounds like you strained the pectoral area..the fact that you have had for a bit and have tried to get help tells me that it can be a stubborn my opinion the best meds will be rest and work around the injury...One of the thing alot of people dont know is that while anabolic compounds help grow of the adverse reactions is to loosen ligaments and tendons...that might not be what you need right now.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax View Post
    welcome seem to have done some good research...but here's the deal...sounds like you strained the pectoral area..the fact that you have had for a bit and have tried to get help tells me that it can be a stubborn my opinion the best meds will be rest and work around the injury...One of the thing alot of people dont know is that while anabolic compounds help grow of the adverse reactions is to loosen ligaments and tendons...that might not be what you need right now.
    Thanks Max, I appreciate the advice. When you say 'work around the injury' Do you mean do other bodyparts instead of doing chest?

    Also I feel that the pec injury is close enough to my armpit that it could possibly be a tendon problem, but it doesn't really hurt like a tendon, know what I'm sayin?

    is there anything else besides AAS that you would recommend I take to help the healing move along?

    Thanks in advance!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by stallion_1 View Post
    wow not a lot of newbies read all the info, so good job, and u seem smart to be a newbie.

    now usually deca is used in low doses to help the joints, im not so sure it will help with ur pec other than u might retain water and put water in ur for mass building goals, usually deca is stacked 400 mg or above so 200 mg is too low.
    if u dont wanna get huge, why not just use deca in low doses to see if it helps u with ur injury?
    That's a great point, but I'm worried that even in low doses Deca might shut down my T-levels. Or am I way wrong?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax View Post
    welcome seem to have done some good research...but here's the deal...sounds like you strained the pectoral area..the fact that you have had for a bit and have tried to get help tells me that it can be a stubborn my opinion the best meds will be rest and work around the injury...One of the thing alot of people dont know is that while anabolic compounds help grow of the adverse reactions is to loosen ligaments and tendons...that might not be what you need right now.
    Interesting, read the one about the rat, deca was shown to significantly increase muscle twitch and tetanic strength in injured muscles.
    The dosages were 20mg/kg thats a hell of a lot of deca to heal a muscle.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by **** View Post
    I would take a break and let it heal.
    I did that for a solid month with no lifting, I'm sure you know how much discipline that takes when you love working out so bad!

    I just never thought in my wildest dreams that a pec strain would take longer to heal than a broken leg..doesn't make sense to me...

    I'm just extremely frustrated because 3 years of hard work are going down the tubes because of this annoying injury!

    And that's why I thought Deca in low/moderate doses would be helpful.

    thanks for your help bro.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by LATS60 View Post
    Interesting, read the one about the rat, deca was shown to significantly increase muscle twitch and tetanic strength in injured muscles.
    The dosages were 20mg/kg thats a hell of a lot of deca to heal a muscle.
    Yes it is, according to my math, that's roughly 8 GRAMS of Deca for a 200lb person!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Confederate States
    Quote Originally Posted by wizdom c kerr View Post
    That's a great point, but I'm worried that even in low doses Deca might shut down my T-levels. Or am I way wrong?
    some people might disagree but in low doses i dont think there will be much damage to natty test

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by stallion_1 View Post
    some people might disagree but in low doses i dont think there will be much damage to natty test
    and a low dose is considered 200mg - 400mg?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Confederate States
    Quote Originally Posted by wizdom c kerr View Post
    and a low dose is considered 200mg - 400mg?
    no, a low dose is 50-150 mg a week.

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