Originally Posted by
wizdom c kerr
Hello All!
As you can see this is my first post, and I would like you all to know that I have just read the following information:
Common Abbreviations
The Rules
The Newbie Starter Pack
The Educational Thread
So I'm doing as much due diligence to do my research as I possibly can.
Here's my question:
I moderately strained my left pec muscle up by my armpit 4 months ago and it has yet to heal. I've been to Physical Therapy, taken a full month off from ANY lifting whatsoever, seen a chiropractor and acupuncturist, and yet I'm still in pain. It's mild pain but annoying enough that I can't lift as heavy as I want.
I have read and heard that Deca will help heal me. But I've never done a cycle of anything before. And I'm not really looking to get huge, just healed and slightly while I'm at it.
Because I know that my first cycle should have Test in it, should I run 500mg of test and 200-400mg of Deca? If I do that I'm afraid I'm going to get huge, and I don't really want that. Of course I would run 20mg of Nolva to be safe from gyno and then 3 weeks after my last shot of Test I would start clomid at 100mg for the first 2 weeks then 50mg for the last 2.
Currently I'm 29yrs old 6'2" 204lbs. and about 16%BF.
I was thinking of stacking Winny with deca to help heal me and lower my BF, but then there's no Test and then I'm screwed right?
So what is the best stack for me if my priorities are these:
1. Heal my chest
2. Cut some fat
3. Gain 10lbs. of muscle
Again, I'm trying to do my research, and I would appreciate anyone who has taken the time to read this to give me any advice that you think would be helpful.
Wizdom C Kerr