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  1. #1
    oak2429 is offline Associate Member
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    clen/t3 need help

    5'11 245lbs
    22% BF
    been training for 10 years
    have done clen before
    and haladrol and superdrol and winnadrol and extreme tren

    Im planning on doing a test cyp cycle of 400 mg a week for 1-10 weeks and Dbol 40 mgs 1-5 weeks. this will be my first cycle. I wanna get down to about 210lbs and 12% bf before doing this cycle. Im thinking about ordering some t3 and clen. will this help me lose weight. I will be dieting and working out hardcore. How should i run the clen and t3 and for how long? Im also taking letro right now to reverse some gyno i got from the prohormones.
    my letro cycle looks like this
    day 1-4 2.5mgs
    day 5-6 1.5 mgs
    day 7-8 .75 mgs
    day 8 .50 mgs
    day 9-30 .25 mgs

    Can i run the clen/t3 with the letro?

  2. #2
    CeeLo's Avatar
    CeeLo is offline Senior Member
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  3. #3
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    what is your diet plan
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  4. #4
    wanabeMASSIVE!'s Avatar
    wanabeMASSIVE! is offline Senior Member
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  5. #5
    oak2429 is offline Associate Member
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    san marcos, texas
    my diet plan is gonna be low carb for first month
    Month 1-
    250-300 grams of protein a day
    0-40 carbs a day
    Month 2-
    250 grams of protein a day
    40-80 carbs
    Month 3-
    250 grams of protein
    80-150 carbs

  6. #6
    punkin33's Avatar
    punkin33 is offline Female Member
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    For clen and t3 u need to start out low and work ur way up t3 to not more than 100mcg and clen (it depends on how ur body reacts) I did not go over 120mcg but I am female. I took them both for 6 weeks taking benadryl on week 3 to help clean my receptors and I got really good results I have a thread on it check it out advance search punkin33 great results is the name of the thread

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