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  1. #1
    G-Force's Avatar
    G-Force is offline Anabolic Member
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    what else do u stack with deca? (excluding test and Dbol)

    obviously everyone stacks deca with test
    and dbol is also a logical choice due to the added synergy between the two compounds when stacked

    but are there any other good compounds out there that are good to stack with deca

    EQ perhaps (or do they work on the same receptor) ?

  2. #2
    one8nine's Avatar
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  3. #3
    G-Force's Avatar
    G-Force is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post

    winny, masteron and var -these all seem strange choices to stack with deca
    can u explain your reasons please?

  4. #4
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force View Post
    winny, masteron and var -these all seem strange choices to stack with deca
    can u explain your reasons please?
    deca is a 19-nor
    the ones i listed are DHT, theyll hit your muscles in different ways.
    also DHT can lower SHBG, freeing up more test. DHT can also act as a mild AI.
    deca can help with size, dht can help with strength and hardness. being stronger can help more mass growth.

  5. #5
    one8nine's Avatar
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    i wrote a lot about it in this thread but if you are experienced there probably wont be much you dont already know

    my (one8nine's) starter pack

  6. #6
    G-Force's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    deca is a 19-nor
    the ones i listed are DHT, theyll hit your muscles in different ways.
    also DHT can lower SHBG, freeing up more test. DHT can also act as a mild AI.
    deca can help with size, dht can help with strength and hardness. being stronger can help more mass growth.
    nice one
    this was the kind of answer i was looking for

    will check out your thread now thanks

  7. #7
    one8nine's Avatar
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    this is the part about your thread
    its not really advanced or detailed but its a good start

    Anabolics: The Application

    Makings of a good cycle –Long estered cycles are usually between ten and twelve weeks, and short estered cycles are usually about seven weeks. The reason for this is long esters take between three and five weeks to reach full peak in the users blood, and short esters reach peak within a few days; therefore both cycles spend about the same amount of time at peak level. In long esters a kick-start drug is utilized so the user feels results and experiences gains more quickly. A kick-start is normally a 17aa like Anadrol or Winstrol . A short ester could possibly be used as a kick-start but that wouldn’t make much sense because the main reason people choose long ester cycles over short ester cycles is so they only need to inject twice per week instead of once per day. Although Winstrol can be used as a kick-start, it is much more commonly used as a finisher to aid the user in hardening muscles and increased weight of fat loss via AR related functions, and to help fill the two week or so flat period between final long ester administration and PCT start. For example testosterone would be injected from week one to week ten and Winstrol would be used between weeks six and twelve, so that PCT starts week thirteen and both the Enanthate ester and Winstrol clear the blood at the same time.

    Also, I would like to add for starters a simple test/AI cycle would be great to start. As experience grows more compounds can be added for more specific results.

    AAS – For step one, Testosterone should be assumed as the base of almost every cycle. First off, every good cycle includes test. The reason test needs to be included (even at as little as 150mg per week, because that is still double the average man’s level) is to replace natural Testosterone that will be suppressed or shut down during the cycle. Aside from that, testosterone is a great, well-rounded hormone for good AR binding, muscle gain, appetite increase and red blood cell increase. The only exception to this rule is a short DHT only cycle. In a three to four week cycle a DHT hardly has enough time to suppress the natural production of test, much less have a strong enough effect that natural levels need to be supplemented or replaced.

    Second a 19Nor should be chosen. Deca is better for joints, has less frequent injection times, and causes less aggression; Tren has better AR binding, fat loss and lean muscle gain. The only time that Deca and Tren should be used together is when the long estered form of Deca is being used and the short estered Tren, or 17aa Tren is being used as a kick-start; their negative side effects overcome the good.

    Third, a DHT should be chosen. Masteron is injectable and better for lean muscle gain, and on the other hand Winstrol is available in an oral form and is better for fat loss. Winstrol and Masteron are not uncommon to be used together and can have possible synergetic effects together.
    Now that three hormones have been chosen, doses should be chosen. Test can be used anywhere between 150mg and 2g per week with most average doses being 350mg to 500mg. Based on the Testosterone dose chosen, the dose of the 19nor class can be chosen. The same goes for 19nors as long as progesterone is controlled correctly to avoid side effects. The two most common ways to use 19nors are to dose Tren or Deca equally to test, or Tren is lowered as low as half the dose of test if the side effects are too strong, or sometimes Deca is used between 100mg and 250mg per week as joint therapy and not expected to do much of anything for strength or muscle gain. As for DHT, this dose is completely subjective. Because Winstrol is 17aa it shouldn’t be taken at more than 100mg per day, and I see anything more than 200mg per day of Masteron a waste. If Winstrol is being used alone without the addition of testosterone or any other hormone the dose and length is best at 100mg per day for twenty-five days, although I would never advise a cycle without Testosterone. Two different types of 17aas should never be run together in a cycle, and never for more than seven weeks at a time.

    There was an old school technique called pyramiding. This action was the act of gradually increasing and decreasing dosages throughout a cycle. For example, using 200mgs weeks one, two and three, then 500mgs the next four weeks, and then back to 200mgs for the final three weeks. The old school logic behind this is getting one’s body ready for the peak with a low starting dose, and then when doses are lowered in the end it was thought to gradually increase Testosterone production to prepare the body for the stopping of a cycle. In reality, creating stable blood levels from the beginning will help fight estrogenic side effects as well as side effects caused by mere fluctuation of hormone levels. Also, the only thing that can get natural Testosterone production jumpstarted again is a good proper PCT when all AAS use has stopped.

    Auxiliaries – This is not a very complicated area, when starting with 500mg of Testosterone per week, start with 250mcg of Letro per day and move up if needed. The same ratio goes for 19nors, 500mg of any 19nor warrants 250mcg of Caber per day. Some people suggest dosages like 1mg e4d of Letro or Caber just because they can be taken like that. It is my personal belief that the previously mentioned theory is ridiculous because both compounds are oral and there is no real reason not to take lower doses more frequently to help keep blood levels more stable, and also to make dosage adjustment much easier. Dosages could be more or less- everyone is different- this is simply a reference point. Clenbuterol is also a great auxiliary, but there is no real rule for it; check suggested dosages and adjust to your personal preference and tolerance. The way Clenbuterol is used is a rapid increase from twenty mcg to 100mcg in a week and quickly back down to 20mcg by the end of the next week, and then going two weeks without it. The shock of unstable levels is what helps it do its job as a strong thermogenic. This method is strange because with almost other auxiliaries and AAS, it is best to keep blood levels stable. Another common way to use clen is to ramp up the dosage, find the highest dose at which one can handle the side effects and intermittently throughout the cycle use Benadryl or Keto to help clear receptors. Clenbuterol is a serious drug that can cause harm if used incorrectly.

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