i am about to start my third cycle and it will b tren and cyp. any sugestions on dose size and scedual? tren 200. cyp 2500. i was thinking 1 and one half every 3 days. oh the tren is enanthate. i am 6"2 210lb 19%bf
i am about to start my third cycle and it will b tren and cyp. any sugestions on dose size and scedual? tren 200. cyp 2500. i was thinking 1 and one half every 3 days. oh the tren is enanthate. i am 6"2 210lb 19%bf
is that cyp 2500mg or did you mean 250mg......
how many mls do you have of each? do you have your pct chems on hand?
^^^ Agreed...
Have you ever run Tren before?
yes i ment 250 and yes pct is nolvadex and proviron
no first time on tren
Youre gonna need letro on cycle more than likely...
Have you ever run HCG? i would include that in any PCT after running Tren...
i have never had any problem with side effects and no i never used a hcg
thanks for the heads up. dose my dose sound ok?
Oops if its Tren 200, it most likely is Tren E.
no its 250 and its cyp.
ph sorry ur right its 200 and it is E. sorry jumped the gun on that one
Youre gonna need the Letro(better safe than sorry) .25mg a ED or EOD will due... You dont need it really till you see signs of gyno btw...
You really should get HCG...
I like to do 500IU's 2xW for the last two weeks of cycle, and the first two weeks of PCT...
HCG crash course
so your dose 1 and 1/2 every 3 days????
lay it out like
test cyp 500mg per week shot 2x per week(1 ml/cc every 3 days)
tren 200 300 mgs per week shot 2 x wk(.75 mls/cc every 3 days)
That Tren dose is low... If that is indeed what youre doing Kracker...
If you are 19% bodyfat I would sugest not running this cycle. sepecialy the test cyp. with this much body fat you will have a problem with thest converting. I believe your going to do it anyway so listen to the advice above I think they have straitened out for you.
no one and a half would b 600 a week of tren and 750 tes
then what would a preductive dose b?
also i agree my bf. is a little high i plan on getting a few weeks of intense cardio and arobics in prior to starting i should b able to get down to 16-17%bf. in 3 to 4 weeks. i have been sloppy about my diet but started making the nesesary changes. I would still like to hear an opinion on a productive cycle protocol.
Thats a good dose for a first time...
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