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Thread: 20 years old first cycle need help.....

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    20 years old first cycle need help.....

    allright i have been looking on the site for a few months now and read about alot of diff shit out there and i also talked to my bro who has taken before.. now i have been working out about 3 years real hard now and i think its time for my first cycle im 5"8 150 lbs i just cant put anymore weight on no matter how i diet or work out.. The way i have been thinking about it is i leave in 2 weeks for united states marine boot camp there going to make me more cut then i have ever been before and when i get back i was thnking of taking the same as my bro deca durabolin, sustanon, anadrol, and dbol except i was gunna switch out the dbol for test sus and he put on 53 pound with that cycle after 10 weeks what do u think i need advice from people who know more about this shit then jsut me and him.... i could also use a lil help with the diet to i know when he was on it he ate for 3 people and protien all day long was all he did i jsut wanna put on what he did or close to it and he was 150 when he started as weel same exact size as me now hes 203 and he still holding most of it hes 198 5 months after

  2. #2
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    wow thats a lot for a first cycle, specially combining anadrol and dbol as those both together shall be pretty hard on the liver. if ur set on running the same cycle, the sustanon,deca, should be fine but just run one oral. either the anadrol or dianabol. just do some more research, try to come up with a cycle, post it up and ull get critiques. now as far as the diet goes, u wanna be eating a lot like ur brother, but try to make sure that it is as clean as possible. u will need fat of course, but try to limit it.
    eat big lift big and u should be able to get big gains.
    oh and remember to do pct to get ur body back to normal

  3. #3
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    dude, first cycle do test e 500mgs a week only.. you'll put 25lbs on easy if your diet and training is in check.. first cycle should alway just be test by its self

  4. #4
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    well i wasnt going to do dbol and anadrol together i was gunna take the dbol out and do test instead and then have the anadrol oral and the rest inject such as deca test and sust the thing i wanna find out if i do them 4 together how i should do them like how many weeks eaach and how much of ech per day/week cause i cant find info on stcking on this site especially this combo.. and i do have siringes allready but im not sure on size either so im pretty much in need opf info on how much i need and what to do it i allready know the effects what diet i need and workout just need more stacking info

  5. #5
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    sustanon is testosterone if u didnt know coz ur saying ur gonna stack all those four(test sus anadrol deca)
    u could find all these info by using the search button bro
    c'mon do some research

  6. #6
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    sustanon my bro used as he said something that helped clean a lil bit but gave bulk im talking about test suspension 350 whish isnt sustanon that i know cause i read opn both

  7. #7
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    and im asking why wwould he use deca for bulk is sustanon was testasterone

  8. #8
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    bro im having trouble understanding ur poor english, ill try to reply out of what i was able to make from ur writing

    test suspension is testosteron
    sustanon is testosteron
    the only difference is that they have different esters, meaning how fast they will act once they enter ur body.
    now deca IS NOT testosterone. thats another steroid that must be stacked with some testoterone(either supension enanthate cypionate propionate sustanon) or else u will get deca dick, which is the failure of ur dick to get up.

    so u mean to tell me that ur brother used testosteron suspension as well as sustanon, if so thats too much testosteron for a newbie. theyre not candy, these stuff will mess u up if careless

  9. #9
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    my bro used (sustanon, deca,andadrol, and i think dbol for like 3 weeks)

    and since u just said that and made it so i can understand it hows this sound for me (test suspension 350, deca, andadrol, for a cycle now i have one question is there something u can take during a cycle to help ur liver operate better so this shit isnt ****ing u up that bad during it

    what cycle would u recommend to gain 50 pound for a first one i dont care about how much i need to stack or unhealty it is i am doing one cycle to get size and i will just try my best to keep it on natural

  10. #10
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    god ur funny dude. it dont matter how unhealthy lol
    50 pounds?? bro lets be smart about this, steroids help u gain muscle, but even with steroids u will gain fat. now if u gain 50 pounds, which i doubt is doable, a lot and i mean a lot will be fat. now ur telling me ur brother did a cycle for like 3 weeks?? if so thats bad deca durabolin needs to be run for like 10 weeks and testosteron for like 12 and did he do post cycle therapy?? bro how old are u??

  11. #11
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    i wrote in the first post he did a 10 week cycle and then i just wrote he only did the dbol for the first 3 weeks of the cycle and as i said before he is still 5 months later 198 so he only lost 5 pounds from that cycle and he works out 6days a week so not much could have been fat

  12. #12
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    and im 20

  13. #13
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    did he do post cycle therapy to get his balls back to normal and to control the estrogen to avoid developing man boobs??

  14. #14
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    he might have i never asked him about post but he did say he took shit to lessen the negative effects of everything and he didnt have a prob with ball shrinkage so i would prob say yes he did what would that consist of... i have never heard of post i just read about afterwards taking stuff

  15. #15
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    how much do u weight?

    listen bro i could help u put a cycle together, but theres no way in hell ur gonna gain 50 poinds, if u eat a lot and have a clean diet and train hard and do post cycle. u could easily gain 25 pounds.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by vtec23 View Post
    sustanon my bro used as he said something that helped clean a lil bit but gave bulk im talking about test suspension 350 whish isnt sustanon that i know cause i read opn both
    Ok let me clear things up for everyone:
    sustanon = blended testosterone
    test suspension 350 = blended testosterone (most likely a blend)

    make more sense now?

    Also, re-read the bottle, it doesnt say test suspension 350, it more than likely says sustanon 350 lol. Suspension is Testosterone base.

  17. #17
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    this will happen to u if ur careless with steroids

  18. #18
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    Jesus dude, 150 lbs? What do you eat like 3 meals a day, maybe 4?

    Eat more.

  19. #19
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    link dont work but i know u can get ****ed up if ur not carefull thats why i want to get as much info as possible cause i really want to do this but i have 30 diff people telling me shit... i want to hear from some people that took a first cycle and had a rediculous gain and if its anything close then i will jsut go with that but what i wrote in my post i really want to do ive been set on it for a while...

  20. #20
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    i eat from when i get up at 6am till i go to bed at about 10 and i eat 5 meals a day at least 4 minimum on a busy day at work...

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by vtec23 View Post
    i eat from when i get up at 6am till i go to bed at about 10 and i eat 5 meals a day at least 4 minimum on a busy day at work...
    How many grams of protein/carbohydrates/fats do you get every day? You should probably post your diet in the diet forum for critique... I'm pretty sure your problem is that you don't eat enough calories to support muscle growth.

  22. #22
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    allright i didnt even think of putting my diet in the diet forum cause its the same as my bro's but its 3am were i am im going to bed.. tommorow i will deff do it and i will also post it here let me know what u think and what i can work on

  23. #23
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  24. #24
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    That whole cycle is no good my friend, for a first cycle drop everything and just stick with 500mgs/wk of test e preferably. I included deca on my first cycle a few years back and it was a stupid thing to do and if I had of read up on my shit I would of known better! Listen to what the guys here tell you as they are vey knowledgable but personaly like I said before just do test for the first cycle and read up on PCT and diet. You wont be dissapointed. Good luck with it.

  25. #25
    marcus300's Avatar
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    You have alot more natural weight to gain IMHO, I wouldnt even consider going down the AAS route yet, i would concentrate on your diet which looking at your stats is the area of concern. Also something else to consider is in humans your Endocrine system is not full functional until an average age of 25yrs, although the main development is up to around 21yrs it still fluctuates alittle bit up to its fully functional age. There is a risk of permanently damaging your HPTA if you take AAS to young and you could end up with syptoms of andropause and HRT for life would only be the answer to your problems. Limp dick,low libido,depression,low energy,low endurance,erections problems and many more but.......are these the types of symptoms you want to have in your 20's?. Believe me its hard to cope with these in your 40's yet alone in your prime of your life.

    At this age your Testosterone levels are the highest they going to be in your life naturally, so use what you have and dont take the risk of damage, i am passionate about this because ive seen it many times all because some young kids wont listen and think his answer to looking like his heros is in an injection/tablet. thsink about the damage and trust me you can build at this age if the diet and training is in order.

    Taking AAS to young can also cause problems with development, one other main problem is premature sealing of your epiphyeal bone and the consequences mean that you wont grow as big as your genetics could allow you to, there is a test which can be done to see if your growth plates have sealed yet but the average age is around 21yrs old.

  26. #26
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    v tec my first cycle was done 2 years ago and it consisted of sustanon 250 1-12 weeks and d bol 1-4. my pct only included 2 weeks of 50mg of clomid eod. all in all i gained 25 lbs and looked great. due to the fact that i was 17 when i did it i came out at 5"10 165. i was at 140 before hand and right now im at 150. only kept 10 pounds but im going to be much smarter on the next cycle. im 19 now and tried doing some natural building but its not very succeful, im small as sh*t and cant gain a pound so i know the frustration your dealing with.

  27. #27
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    thanks everyone for ur advise i read alot more early today and i think im just going to fix my diet a little bit and go with test suspension for 12 weeks at 500mg and anadrol for 3 weeks and see how that turns out it should be a good first cycle...

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by vtec23 View Post
    thanks everyone for ur advise i read alot more early today and i think im just going to fix my diet a little bit and go with test suspension for 12 weeks at 500mg and anadrol for 3 weeks and see how that turns out it should be a good first cycle...
    for **** sake, its not suspension.

  29. #29
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    I agree with Marcus... you have alot more natural growth to gain. I think you need to wait a few years and it sounds like you have a massive amount to learn about AAS.

  30. #30
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    It is clear you are no where near ready to cycle.
    1-Your bro gained ALOT of fat to put on 53lbs in one cycle
    2-You dont even know what test is and are considering using test suspension that requires multiple injections each day.
    3-Your diet is 100% crappy for you to be at the weight you are at currently
    4-You need to learn how to train adn eat and not use steroids as a crutch

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    It is clear you are no where near ready to cycle.
    1-Your bro gained ALOT of fat to put on 53lbs in one cycle
    2-You dont even know what test is and are considering using test suspension that requires multiple injections each day.
    3-Your diet is 100% crappy for you to be at the weight you are at currently
    4-You need to learn how to train adn eat and not use steroids as a crutch
    Couldnt have said it better!

  32. #32
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    My rule of thumb...if I don't know what it is...I don't take it. And if I don't even know what it will do to me...forget it.
    Straight TEST-E 500 mg split 2x per week along with a lot of clean calories (amount determined by you from research) and heavy training. That will put a good 20 pounds on a first timer. Nothing more needed. Kick start with the dbol if you need to. Pct and being too young seem to be something that doesn't matter so it doesn't matter to me for you.

  33. #33
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    I dont know whether I should laugh or cry.

  34. #34
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    does anyone know if there are charts or something of that sort out there that tells u how much of something to take per day or week or how ever it needs to be taken cause i found one that shows gains and what u will keep but nothing saying how much to take of a certian one

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by vtec23 View Post
    does anyone know if there are charts or something of that sort out there that tells u how much of something to take per day or week or how ever it needs to be taken cause i found one that shows gains and what u will keep but nothing saying how much to take of a certian one
    Are you serious???? Dude.... Stay away from AAS until your brain and body fully develop!!!

  36. #36
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    You know it's because of guys like you this country has so many laws to protect us from ourselves. You have got 15 people telling you the same thing and it's not registering with you. You really think you are going to put on 1/3rd of your current bodyweight in 10 weeks?

  37. #37
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    well since everyone jsut seems to want to just have a dick answer for shit im sry i have to ask things a few times cause i dont unserstand the way ur saying it but i will have some before pics and after pics when im done and i will see if it is possible to put the wieght on i know its been done cause my bro himself did it he was same build as me when he started and now he is still around what he put on which was 1/3 his wieght but thats fine thanks everyone for ur help... ill be back in 3 months when i get home from boot camp then ill put up my before pics then 12 weeks from then i will have up after and we will jsut see if i can do it

  38. #38
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    1. I'd say you're too young. I'm 29 and I wasn't able to really start building muscle until 23, and still didn't cycle for years after that.

    2. You're asking questions that have readily available answers all over this site. Try searching. And if you're gonna ask questions, please use coherent English and not bizarre run-on sentences that no one can understand.

    3. If you insist on doing a cycle, do test only first. If you run all the shit you're talking about at the same time you're gonna have no idea how you're reacting to what. I think you're going for the "more is better" approach and you're probably going to take too much and end up with some really ****ed sides.

    4. Have you even thought about PCT or do you want titties and mood swings?

    I'm far from an expert on shit dude, but you really need to just read through some stuff on this site and get an idea of what's what.
    Educational threads is a great place to spend a few hours.

  39. #39
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    Put up the before pics now!!! Best of luck in Boot Camp, I mean that sincerely.

  40. #40
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    allright ill take some pics asap and hopefully have them up in a few hours but when i come home im gunna be diffenernt ill have a lil more wieght and be a lil more ripped so it will be diff then now ill have more of a base cause ill be more cut then i am now

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