allright i have been looking on the site for a few months now and read about alot of diff shit out there and i also talked to my bro who has taken before.. now i have been working out about 3 years real hard now and i think its time for my first cycle im 5"8 150 lbs i just cant put anymore weight on no matter how i diet or work out.. The way i have been thinking about it is i leave in 2 weeks for united states marine boot camp there going to make me more cut then i have ever been before and when i get back i was thnking of taking the same as my bro deca durabolin, sustanon, anadrol, and dbol except i was gunna switch out the dbol for test sus and he put on 53 pound with that cycle after 10 weeks what do u think i need advice from people who know more about this shit then jsut me and him.... i could also use a lil help with the diet to i know when he was on it he ate for 3 people and protien all day long was all he did i jsut wanna put on what he did or close to it and he was 150 when he started as weel same exact size as me now hes 203 and he still holding most of it hes 198 5 months after