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Thread: Problem, need help ASAP

  1. #1

    Problem, need help ASAP

    I need help bad, I did a 10 week cycle of substanon 250 and in about the 4th week started noticing the early effects of Gyno, I was unexperienced so I went to the guy I got it from and he told me to take nolva and some little white pill that supposedly cuts off all E production in your body. Well I took these through my cycle and it never fixed it for obvious reasons. Now a months later I still have it and im not on any Anti-E. The lumps are about half the size of a penny and its still a little sensitive. I am prettly lean about 11% BF so what is my best option and what are the chances I develop breasts. Also whats the best treatment as of now and I still wanna do another cycle soon so can someone please help. thx in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Confederate States
    well at least for christmas, ull be able to get a bra.

    but in all seriousness, while on cycle u could take nolva 20 mg untill the problem is under control. now u said u took nolva n some other shit right
    for how long?

  3. #3
    I took all the way up until I stopped my cycle and not after. I know I messed up im just freaking out everyone keeps saying either I will have lumps for the rest of my life but not breasts cuz I didnt do enough, or im screwed lol I want a good answer

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Middle of a Cornfield
    Did you run a PCT?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Confederate States
    u want a good answer?? then go to the doctor

    nolvadex should've taken care of the product, and should've been taken after the cycle as well in ur pct. just take some nolvadex and aromasin, and those both should be able to take care of the problem, but try to use human grade and not shitty ugl

  6. #6
    No I didnt, I never knew what that was before I trusted this guy and that was stupid because now I look back and he probably wasn't trying to help just get money. The Nolva were blue round pills with no markings at all with a line through them. Fake?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Confederate States
    they could've been fake, people like those dont care about u bro , they just want ur money. im pretty sure they were fake coz nolvadex will get rid of the gyno for sure.

  8. #8


    I will try that everything I read has been about letro, you think I should not take that route then? Even though its been a month untreated you think It can still be fixed, It doesnt feel like its getting any worse just better very slowly. I am worried the most about bitch tits im 11 % BF It would show more than usual lol. Also what kind of doctor is the best for this?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Get your hands on some letro asap.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Confederate States
    Quote Originally Posted by Sx2Extreme2k8 View Post
    I will try that everything I read has been about letro, you think I should not take that route then? Even though its been a month untreated you think It can still be fixed, It doesnt feel like its getting any worse just better very slowly. I am worried the most about bitch tits im 11 % BF It would show more than usual lol. Also what kind of doctor is the best for this?
    just a general doctor that is able to write a prescription for nolvadex, but hey now u can have ur own set of tits.

  11. #11
    Whats honeslty the safest way to get it? I need to order it and im in the military, cant really get caught up you know?

  12. #12
    Lol thx stallion I will send you pics of them for your help lol, Thx alot bro for the advice.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Confederate States
    u could order some nolva and aromasin from lion up in the right red corner, i think they sell some.

    but i cannot vouch for them

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2008
    New Mexico
    Stallion, the best for gyno reversal is letro then get off letro with nolva.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2008
    New Mexico
    Yes lion is a good place to order it. They are located in the top right banner of your screen. Big red blinking banner.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2008
    New Mexico
    Here is a link to help you with gyno.

  17. #17
    Ok how is it taken, orally?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2008
    New Mexico
    You measure it in a syring and swallow it.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Sx2Extreme2k8 View Post
    Ok how is it taken, orally?
    yes, oral iiquid or pills
    ds21 posted the best link you can get on gyno
    letro can be bought from

    heres how to measure it

    how to dose your drugs

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