Hi there,
I'm pretty much a newbie to this bodybuilding malarchy, and it's
something that I really want to take seriously indeed. So
could some of you put me, an inexperienced novice, onto the right track.

Question 1) Is it worth paying for that International List of Pharmacies, as finding a reliable vendor is paramount to me?

Question 2) How much would a weeks supply of human growth hormone cost?

Question 3) If I took HGH, what would be the average weekly gain?

Question 4) Call me a wimp, but I have something against needles - particularly when it means injecting myself with it - so what is the best bulk building steriod that comes in the form of a tablet?

Question 5) Have any of you heard of www.Ican'treadtherules.com or [email protected], and if so, are these suppliers reliable?

Thank you for your time