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  1. #1
    dece870717's Avatar
    dece870717 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Something I never understood about injection pain...

    Why is there such a delay in post injection pain? Like why can you inject at 9am and not feel the injection pain till something like 10-12 hours later? That soreness doesn't come around till hours later and feels the worst usually the next day. Why is there that delay in pain and why does the pain build up overtime after it starts to get sore?

  2. #2
    rhino1's Avatar
    rhino1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    it takes time for the lactic acid to accumulate

  3. #3
    3v1lj03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dece870717 View Post
    Why is there such a delay in post injection pain? Like why can you inject at 9am and not feel the injection pain till something like 10-12 hours later? That soreness doesn't come around till hours later and feels the worst usually the next day. Why is there that delay in pain and why does the pain build up overtime after it starts to get sore?
    Depends on what you inject. Sust always did me dirty like that. NO injection pain and the next day for 5 days man felt like got hit with a hammer and it never got better. Cyp is the sweet stuff no pain going in and no pain after. I have found tren to be mostly painless also. slight and I do mean slight pain at injection and none after. If the gear has a high B.A. content it will also hurt allot later not so much when you shoot but hours after.

  4. #4
    rhino1's Avatar
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    it all boils down to damage to the tissue resulting in lactic acid production...

  5. #5
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhino1 View Post
    it takes time for the lactic acid to accumulate

    it has nothing to do with lactic acid.... lactic acid is a by-product of glycoloysis, when there is insufficient O2 in the blood...

    the injection pain is due to a couple of different things...

    A) you are injecting a foreign substance in your body, into a pocket of muscle, so you are stretching out hte muscle with the oil which will cause some pain aka virgin muslce

    B) The oil is then just sitting in your muscle. Think of the oil in the muscle as a deep muscle bruise (because you should be injecting it at least a inch deep) the deep muscle bruise is when blood pools in the muscle and that is painful... the oil is the same way but it goes away faster than a legit bruise because there is no tissue damage to repair, its just the dispersion of fluid into the muscle. Thats why some tips to help injection pain are to heat the oil (makes it thinner and easier to spread in the muscle), take a NSAID(ibuprofen) because it will help remove the 'artificial' swelling ( the oil in the muscle belly), massaging the muscle to help disperse the oil

    C) the content of BA can also play a factor, however i dont know this pain because i home brew my gear and its painless, just feels like a bruise. THis pain is described as a burning pain which is from the hydrogen on the -OH group on the alcohol... the free hydrogens can trigger pain signals on nerves.

  6. #6
    Doc32 is offline New Member
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    Well said Lemonada8.

  7. #7
    LATS60's Avatar
    LATS60 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Agree with lemon, but it's not a good idea to massage the area after jabbing, this can cause the substance to be forced up the needle track and into the sub c tissue, this can lead to swelling and pain later.
    For the same reason, it's a good idea to leave the needle in for 10 secs after injection, this gives the sustance a chance to disperse into the muscle.
    Also read up on the Z track method this helps in many ways.

  8. #8
    chase988 is offline New Member
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    Hey man good post.And good Feed back. I just started my first cycle and Ive had shots in the ass before but Id have to say that the s 250 takes the cake. Well Its good to know that my ass cheek isnt going to fall off. LOL Later on Chase

  9. #9
    LATS60's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chase988 View Post
    Hey man good post.And good Feed back. I just started my first cycle and Ive had shots in the ass before but Id have to say that the s 250 takes the cake. Well Its good to know that my ass cheek isnt going to fall off. LOL Later on Chase
    Try this chase.

  10. #10
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhino1 View Post
    it all boils down to damage to the tissue resulting in lactic acid production...
    Lactic acid is not the culprit, one reason for the pain is that it takes the body some time to absorb the oil which leaves behind the testosterone base to precipitate out of solution and deposit into the muscle belly where it slowly is absorbed by the body. Hence the term depot.

  11. #11
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Lactic acid is not the culprit, one reason for the pain is that it takes the body some time to absorb the oil which leaves behind the testosterone base to precipitate out of solution and deposit into the muscle belly where it slowly is absorbed by the body. Hence the term depot.
    thanks you
    your body absorbs the solvents and leaves powder crystals behind
    thats why higher concentrations hurt more, the oil disapears before the crystals
    thats why cutting prop with oil deads pain

  12. #12
    Garbanzo Dude is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    it has nothing to do with lactic acid.... lactic acid is a by-product of glycoloysis, when there is insufficient O2 in the blood...

    the injection pain is due to a couple of different things...

    A) you are injecting a foreign substance in your body, into a pocket of muscle, so you are stretching out hte muscle with the oil which will cause some pain aka virgin muslce

    B) The oil is then just sitting in your muscle. Think of the oil in the muscle as a deep muscle bruise (because you should be injecting it at least a inch deep) the deep muscle bruise is when blood pools in the muscle and that is painful... the oil is the same way but it goes away faster than a legit bruise because there is no tissue damage to repair, its just the dispersion of fluid into the muscle. Thats why some tips to help injection pain are to heat the oil (makes it thinner and easier to spread in the muscle), take a NSAID(ibuprofen) because it will help remove the 'artificial' swelling ( the oil in the muscle belly), massaging the muscle to help disperse the oil

    C) the content of BA can also play a factor, however i dont know this pain because i home brew my gear and its painless, just feels like a bruise. THis pain is described as a burning pain which is from the hydrogen on the -OH group on the alcohol... the free hydrogens can trigger pain signals on nerves.
    well said!!

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