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Thread: Permenant Tolerance to DNP>>Is This Possible!?!

  1. #1

    Exclamation Permenant Tolerance to DNP>>Is This Possible!?!

    I wanted to get some opinions on DNP and a permenant tolerance to the drug.
    I have run a decent amount of DNP cycles. The first time was the hottest. I am talking about puddles of sweat and from there on out every cycle got less hot. There has been some huge gaps between my cycles as well and my first cycle was over a few years back.

    I have gone up to 800mg ED and thats when I feel the heat. I have been on 200mg for 4 days and 400mg for a total of 8 days now making a total of 12 days on DNP and I have to days remaining. I have not had any heat and I have been eating like shit. The most I feel is lethargic and thirsty at times.

    IS it possible I have built up a huge tollerance to DNP? My results are never as good as they used to be. What the hell is going on? I thought you couldnt get a tolerance to DNP?

    PS: I dont believe I have bunk DNP. I have been using my source since day 1 and he has a rep for being one of the best.

  2. #2

  3. #3

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