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Thread: first cycle

  1. #1
    g.rican is offline New Member
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    May 2008

    first cycle

    I'm hoping to do my first cycle of D-bol. I've read a lot of conflicting reveiws and am now probably more confused then when i started. i just want some advice specific for me.
    I'm almost 25 years old. I've trained for about 5 years now but only seriously for the last 2. I'm about 5ft 8", I weigh 73kg and am 12.3% bodyfat. I've got a very high metabolism and am looking to put on size. I've got a good high protein diet and take 2 protein shakes a day, I also take creatine.
    I train: kickboxing on monday(cardio)
    chest and triceps on tuesday
    rest wednesday
    shoulders and legs on thursday
    back and biceps on friday
    rest saturday and sunday
    I need to know D-bol dosage, cycle lengh, pct, pct dosage, when do i start pct ,how long for and any other information or advice you can give me.
    All positive advice and feedback very welcome. HELP..........

  2. #2
    widowmaker2's Avatar
    widowmaker2 is offline Senior Member
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    d-bol only is not a cycle. most people use it in the begining of their cycle to jump start it. .... for your first cycle id use test e or test c only 400mg per week, 10-12 weeks total...

  3. #3
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Man up and learn to like the injections or at the very least learn to live with them. Test E or C only has to be injected twice a week and is very tolerable.

  4. #4
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    the three oh!
    Quote Originally Posted by g.rican View Post
    I'm hoping to do my first cycle of D-bol. I've read a lot of conflicting reveiws and am now probably more confused then when i started. i just want some advice specific for me.
    I'm almost 25 years old. I've trained for about 5 years now but only seriously for the last 2. I'm about 5ft 8", I weigh 73kg and am 12.3% bodyfat. I've got a very high metabolism and am looking to put on size. I've got a good high protein diet and take 2 protein shakes a day, I also take creatine.
    I train: kickboxing on monday(cardio)
    chest and triceps on tuesday
    rest wednesday
    shoulders and legs on thursday
    back and biceps on friday
    rest saturday and sunday
    I need to know D-bol dosage, cycle lengh, pct, pct dosage, when do i start pct ,how long for and any other information or advice you can give me.
    All positive advice and feedback very welcome. HELP..........
    Its usually recommended that a first cycle be one of test only..but if you are dead set on doing d-bol so be it....40-50 mg's a day for a month...its very hard on liver and kidneys..anything past that you may be looking for trouble.

  5. #5
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    Beginner Cycle Guide
    Test beginner cycle info

    tag team partner (phate's) starter pack

    kale's starter pack

    my (one8nine's) starter pack

  6. #6
    generation_ss's Avatar
    generation_ss is offline Junior Member
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    I started out at 6'0 155lbs i did my first cycle with just test400 and i had amazing result.After that cycle i weighed in at 181lbs

    it seems like you have a good diet so you should bulk up nice just off a test cycle

  7. #7
    g.rican is offline New Member
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    cheers for all the feedback guys. looks like i might have to re-think what i'm gonna do. Didn't really want to take the injectable route or stack too many together but looks like i might have to.
    Last edited by g.rican; 09-01-2008 at 10:32 AM.

  8. #8
    g.rican is offline New Member
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    nice one. would you stack it with d-bol or just on its own?

  9. #9
    g.rican is offline New Member
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    May 2008
    nice one.helped a lot. cheers

  10. #10
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    here, i'll lay out some stuff for you,
    first thing, you need to get your diet in check, here is some threads on cutting, lean bulking and pure bulking to give you some info, but you need to post your diet for critiqueing, your wasting your money otherwise


    UNoffical "How to Bulk" thread and sample diet...
    UNoffical "How to Cut" thread and sample diet...
    Appetite For Construction

    only when you have your diet down should you think about cycling, a beginner cycle should look like this

    1-12 test e 500mg/week
    1-4 dbol 40mg/day ( this is used to kickstart the cycle and is optional)

    take your test injections 3.5 days apart, like monday morning and thursday evening

    split your dbol up throughout the day, this will keep your blood levels stable, which means less sides and more gains

    if you take the dbol, supplement with liv52 to help you liver cope with breaking down the dbol

    btw, here are the profiles on the AS you will be using so read them and get to know the stuff your putting in your body

    Test Enth
    Anabolic Review Steroid Profile: Testosterone Enanthate

    Anabolic Review Steroid Profile: Dianabol (Methandrostenolone)

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