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Thread: Ilium Stanabolic stack with test prop

  1. #1

    Ilium Stanabolic stack with test prop

    hi everyone

    its my third stack and i want to stack ilium stanabolic(20 ml) with test propionate + Dbol
    and my question is that :is it good to stack ilium stanabolic with test prop?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I am assuming stanabolic is winny?

    If I am guessing right, then yes. Test prop & winny make an excellent cycle. i dont see why you could not add d-bol, but generally speaking most people use d-bol to bridge, or "jump start" a cycle. The winny & prop have short acting esters which i dont see a reason to "jump start" the cycle.

    What are you running the two or three compounds at? You gave me 20ml. If the winny is 50mg/ml the you only have 20 days worth, and that is not enough to run a cycle or the two together.

  3. #3
    thanks for your concern & answer
    by stanabolic i mean ILIUM Stanabolic 20ML (50mg/ml) STANOZOLOL (Troy Laboratories Pty Ltd) and i have 2 amps so i think that would be enough
    i just want to know if this stacks well with test prop cos test prop is used in bulking periods and stanozolol in cutting
    more over im gonna use dbol for its awesome strength
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ilium.jpg 
Views:	1443 
Size:	107.6 KB 
ID:	93443  

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    duz that say expiry date is april 07?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by fusion600 View Post
    duz that say expiry date is april 07?
    no man its just a pic from a website

  6. #6
    any opinion to stack stanozolol(ilium) with test prop?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by last_samurai View Post
    thanks for your concern & answer
    by stanabolic i mean ILIUM Stanabolic 20ML (50mg/ml) STANOZOLOL (Troy Laboratories Pty Ltd) and i have 2 amps so i think that would be enough
    i just want to know if this stacks well with test prop cos test prop is used in bulking periods and stanozolol in cutting
    more over im gonna use dbol for its awesome strength
    Actually test prop is used a lot in cutting cycles, due to its low water retention and short ester. D-bol is used more in bulking cycles from my personal experience and what I have seen others use it for. I think that was what you meant???? I have used test prop in bulking cycles in the first 4 weeks to get my test levels up quicker.

    IMPO d-bol is shit. I find it a waste of money. I would rather spend the money on tren. Gains suck from d-bol, heavy water retention from d-bol, strength is sub par IMO.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack View Post
    Actually test prop is used a lot in cutting cycles, due to its low water retention and short ester. D-bol is used more in bulking cycles from my personal experience and what I have seen others use it for. I think that was what you meant???? I have used test prop in bulking cycles in the first 4 weeks to get my test levels up quicker.

    IMPO d-bol is shit. I find it a waste of money. I would rather spend the money on tren. Gains suck from d-bol, heavy water retention from d-bol, strength is sub par IMO.
    thanks bro
    but what about ilium stanabolic(stanazolol) which i attached the pic
    my main concern is this
    can i stack this with test prop?
    i mean do they stack well?test prop and stanozolol injectable(ilium stanabolic)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    i said that test prop and winny can be stacked together. A lot of competitive BB'ers do this before competition.

    Low water retention from both
    Joints might get sore from the winny, but nothing unbearable.

    You could use winny in a bulker if you wanted.

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