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Thread: please help!

  1. #1

    Exclamation please help!

    Hi, I'm sonny and i'm new on this site.
    I have read a lot! But still i have a very simple question.
    Let's say:
    Me and my boyfriend have a normal body, not big and not small.
    he allready used two winstroll and one deca.
    He grew up and stayed like that. this is about one year ago.
    I'm going now to the gym for 7 months, pretty intense. and yes i grew up a little. But i want to get bigger. Get a nice chest and some nice arms.
    He recommended me to use deca. Because this is one of the less heavier steroids.

    I know you need to go 2 years to the gym etc etc. but if i would like to take them now. What would you recommend. And about the side effects. can they really be taken away that i wont have any physical problems now or in the future?

    Right now i am 20 years old. I have stopped growing. but to make sure i will take Growth Hormone first. that's what a doctor told me to do. But he didnt want to inform me more about steroids because they are evil according to him.

    I don't want to become a bodybuilder. Just a nice chest, some abs and bigger arms... Please help me!!

    I hope someone can tell me more.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    1) You have not read nearly enough.
    2) Winny and Deca alone is a terrible cycle. Deca is not a "less heavier" steroid.
    3) Im sure you love your BF very much, but he is a moron. Deca only is a terrible idea, especaily for a first time user.
    4) Youve only been working out for 7months.
    5) 20 years old is too young, especialy for someone who has never lifted and doesnt know a thing about AAS

    I hope ive been helpful...

    Also, it helps when you ask a question to include these things in your thread.

    diet summary/# meals per day (include how much your food weighs and macros)
    years lifting / workout split
    cycle experience
    pct/estrogen control knowledge
    goals (size/cut/strength/speed etc...)

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    1. are u gay? or are u a girl?
    2. hgh wont make u taller since ur bones are already done growing up
    3.deca only and winny only are bad choices

  4. #4
    Oke, but why did his body grew up beautiful and he didnt had any side effects.
    Is that luck or will he see these side effects soon.
    btw moron is kind of rough dont u think.. Maybe bad informed (I)!
    he didnt use them as a combination. he first used 2 of winstrol and after 1 of the deca.

    I told you my goal.
    I am in mts: 178cm, 65kg I eat eggs in the morning, chicken in the afternoon and checken in the evening. After the gym i take the carbshakes and creatine.

    I don't have cycle experience. like i said. I would like some straight info. Because english isn't my language, it's sometimes pretty hard to understand.

    thank you!!

  5. #5
    i am a gay haha no girl. Sorry.

  6. #6
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    Why is #1 relevent to you? HMM...

    Im you know Stallion...

    I hope hes gay, cause if some guy is advising Deca for a female, he should be shot...

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    no, im not gay

    i was just wondering.

    i like pvssy

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by SonnySchraal View Post
    Oke, but why did his body grew up beautiful and he didnt had any side effects.
    Is that luck or will he see these side effects soon.
    btw moron is kind of rough dont u think.. Maybe bad informed (I)!
    he didnt use them as a combination. he first used 2 of winstrol and after 1 of the deca.

    I told you my goal.
    I am in mts: 178cm, 65kg I eat eggs in the morning, chicken in the afternoon and checken in the evening. After the gym i take the carbshakes and creatine.

    I don't have cycle experience. like i said. I would like some straight info. Because english isn't my language, it's sometimes pretty hard to understand.

    thank you!!

    No moron isnt a rough word in this particular case...

    Youre diet is the problem here. Your not eating nearly enough, and you have to be more specific when describing your diet.

  9. #9
    okee.. and now some help please..:P

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by stallion_1 View Post
    no, im not gay

    i was just wondering.

    i like pvssy

    No kidding? Me too...

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    I hope hes gay,

    I bet you do.

  12. #12
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  13. #13
    really, you are not helping me...

  14. #14
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    Your diet sucks, you need to check out the diet section sonny...Nitro

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by SonnySchraal View Post
    really, you are not helping me...
    what are ur stats body

    and where are u from

  16. #16
    i am 20 years,
    65 kgs
    body fat is very low, i dont now exactly how much.
    and im from mexico

  17. #17
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    So youre 5'8 and 143lbs


    Your problem is one that can be solved by diet, not gear...

    Read these:

    Diet Help

    Diet Section

    Choosing Diets

  18. #18
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    ur from mexico and u speak fluent english??
    is ur name really sonny??

    ive never met any mexican people with names like those.

    nevertheless, im pretty sure ur problem is diet.
    ur not eating a lot.
    u can use steroids, but if u dont eat a lot to support ur new gains u will lose all the gains. diet must be ur first priority without diet steroids wont work

    may i suggest u educate urself more and develop a good diet and then try steroids, that way ull grow like ur partner.

    for a first cycle, ill recomment dbol with some test enanthate. dont use deca or else u wont be able to play sword fighting with ur partner. lol

  19. #19
    ok, so with diet it can be solved. but will it be bad if i want to use the gear. because then it will go faster right?

    for example one box of testosteron

  20. #20
    hahahaha thnk you.

    oke, i will check will check some diets.. what are good here on the diet polls..

    with the dbol with test enanthate. what do i need for the side effects?

    btw. i am dutch, but i live here in mexico 4 one year...

  21. #21
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    Yes, it will be bad... You will not gain very much, and what you do gain, you will lose. More than likely you are still learning to lift if you take AAS, you'll end up hurting yourself...

    You need to gain about 15kilos of lean muscle naturaly before thinking about AAS.


  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by SonnySchraal View Post
    hahahaha thnk you.

    oke, i will check will check some diets.. what are good here on the diet polls..

    with the dbol with test enanthate. what do i need for the side effects?

    btw. i am dutch, but i live here in mexico 4 one year...
    why are u living in mexico??

    isnt dutchland a better country??

  23. #23
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    Dutchland? What are you infering about Mexico?

    You racist pig...

  24. #24
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    The Dutch are from Holland aka the Netherlands...

    Im Stallion...

    BTW, this has gone so FAR

  25. #25
    dutchland = the netherlands.
    and yeah the netherlands are better.. But was here on a internship and now for my bf .. till february.

    Next question. How do i check my weight of lean muscle?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    The Dutch are from Holland aka the Netherlands...

    Im Stallion...

    BTW, this has gone so FAR
    chill bro, go with 189

    i wanna know why people do the things that they do. for instance move from holland to mexico.

  27. #27
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    Cuz Mexican vet gear rocks

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by SonnySchraal View Post
    dutchland = the netherlands.
    and yeah the netherlands are better.. But was here on a internship and now for my bf .. till february.

    Next question. How do i check my weight of lean muscle?

    A better idea would be to check your body fat %

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by SonnySchraal View Post
    dutchland = the netherlands.
    and yeah the netherlands are better.. But was here on a internship and now for my bf .. till february.

    Next question. How do i check my weight of lean muscle?
    u need to measure ur bf % first, then do simple math to get ur lean muscle weight.

  30. #30
    So if i keep on going to the gym, making the same excercise i do now... and maybe a little more. and obviously every day. and take1 testosteron with dbol. just to have a little bit a bigger chest. It will effect me bad and i will los it fast? even if i keep on going to the gym good after and keep on following my diet.

  31. #31
    how do i get my bf % ? :$

  32. #32
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    Im sorry but if youre not gonna listen to the advice were giving, then stop posting the same questions..

    I know this isnt what you wanna hear, but taking that is a bad idea, and no one in their right mind is gonna say otherwise!

    Go to your gym and ask them to measure it for you... Ask them for a caliper...

  33. #33
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    u will not lose it if u have ur diet in check and do post cycle.
    by the way u dont take 1 testosterone as u put it. u do a cycle and inject several testosterone ampules throughout the course of the cycle.

    by the way dont take deca or u wont be able to play sword fighting with ur mate.
    Last edited by stallion_1; 09-02-2008 at 05:59 PM.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post

    Im sorry but if youre not gonna listen to the advice were giving, then stop posting the same questions..

    I know this isnt what you wanna hear, but taking that is a bad idea, and no one in their right mind is gonna say otherwise!

    Go to your gym and ask them to measure it for you... Ask them for a caliper...
    agreed. lol

  35. #35
    oke, i wont take deca. that's clear. and i understand i need to take more than one testoserone in the cycle..:P
    im going now to the gym to check my bodyfat. and i will stick to a good diet.

    keep on going like this will take me at least 1 year for using steroids probably..? or more sooner....
    thnx you war4batt

  36. #36
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    It depends, go see a nutrutionist and tell him you want a diet with 4000cals and 200gs of protein. Let him make you a diet plan and continue working out.

    Idealy, a year at minimum, if you feel you still want to use AAS.

    Good luck...

  37. #37
    this thread gave me a headache i cant believe i read it all

  38. #38

    Tomorrow I will know my bf%. let's say i have 13 kgs of lean muscle. is that way to little?
    Because before i went to the gym I made a lot of tennis and profesional dancing. allready 5 years. again.. i wasnt working out so much in the gym but yeah i did do things..!!

    Now my boyfriend.
    He do has a 15 kg muscle lean mas..
    he is 22, 162cm and his weight is 62kg.
    He is following a good diet.

    What do you recommend for him, to gain more lean muscle mass?
    Do you think he can make a cycle with testosteron only?
    And how will the sideeffects be taken away? all of them? and is that sure?

    thank you!!

  39. #39
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    ja, hij kan ook een cyclus met testosteron alleen. , maar houd er rekening mee dat er sprake zal zijn een aantal bijwerkingen.


  40. #40
    haha oké..! hmm maar der zijn veel side effects?
    En hij wilt graag die cycle gebruiken van dbol en testosterone. dat is een goeie toch?
    En wat moet je nemen om dat tegen te gaan, die side effects.
    EN.... Stel dat ik een spiermassa van 13 fof 14 kg heb. Kan ik dan misschien ook beginnen. Dan wil ik over 2 maanden beginnen namelijk want dan ben ik goed bezig met mijn dieet en met alles.. Ik ga maandag beginnen met Groeihormoon.

    Zou je me please goed kunnen uitleggen alles. Ik wil niets overhaasten. Maar wel graag groter worden. Met behulp van steroids.

    thnx!! !!

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