Hey guys i purchased gear from a highly reputable source. (im not discussing this source) but the gear (test 600 ew/deca 500ew) seemed to be highly underdosed. i was all the way into week 8 and still not an ounce of water weight(bloat) or anything, my balls were still the same size. my lebido increased alot and i started to grow more hair on my chest as i usually do on test. i also frontloaded as well. now im not a begginer so im 100% sure its not my diet and i will post it if you want. but im around 4550 to 4750 cals per day protein 335-365. carbs and fats are to where they need to be as well. i also workout 4-5 days a weeks(2hrs) and do MMA as well so im always active. im 100% sure its the gear so this is not the question. now i dropped the deca to be safe and ran another week of just test. now im running a weak PCT cause i dont think i need a strong one for this underdosed crap. so i was wondering if it would be posibble to start again sooner than normal? i was thinking nov 1st.(tren & prop) i know time on + pct = time off, but the rules change a little for this application. (i think). i know my cycles are wierd for a person who does MMA but i schedule my bulkers around fights..so any ideas?