I am only 3 weeks away from the end of my 1st cycle, im on test E 500mg per week, and I did 6 weeks of Anadrol at 100mg per day!
I so far have gained about 14 pounds! Everybody keeps saying I look really big compared to before, anyone else remember that on your 1st cycle?! Awesome feeling!!
After experiencing Anadrol, im going to add it to every cycle, I feel alot more stronger and hungry when taking it!
I just feel a bit shit that its coming to an end, I wont be as strong etc, can I still grow, even when im off?? If I keep eating like this, I will still grow right?
I do have a 5 week PCT planned of Nolvadex.
Anyway my question is, I have 3 weeks left, and it will still be inside me for a month afterwards? So I have 7 weeks left of being able to grow like I am, right?
Thanks guys