Hi guys,
I thinkin of using Deca Sus for 10weeks doing a pyramid cycle and Dianabol for 6 week?
Would that be good, as you can see by my pic im pretty cut, and now i just want to put on size.
Hi guys,
I thinkin of using Deca Sus for 10weeks doing a pyramid cycle and Dianabol for 6 week?
Would that be good, as you can see by my pic im pretty cut, and now i just want to put on size.
if its your 1st then hit up 500mgs of test a week alone. if you want you can kickstart it with d-bol for the 1st 5 weeks but if you tell us your stats we can better help you
I just finish a cycle of prop n enth 2ml for 10weeks ive put on about 5kg and my sterength improved i finish the cycle 2 weeks ago.
na sorry i gona wait 5 weeks b4 i start my next one, or should i wait longer?
lol 5 weeks??
u gotta wait at least 8 months buddy
besides ur planning on running deca and sus for 6 weeks??
deca (decanoate) needs to be run for at least 10 weeks and sus for 12
Yeah Deca (decnoate) Sus for 10weeks doing a pyramid cycle
Dianabol for 6 weeks
the stack of deca, sus and dbol would be a good cycle. id only use the dbol for 5 weeks though. and DO NOT pyramid, u want to keep ur steroid levels as stable as possible, pyramiding is very bad.
ok cool, so u think 2mls of deca and sus for 10 to 12 weeks will be good? and am i ment to take dbol 7days a week for 5 weeks?
is my photo up here by da way i cant see it?
what is the concentration of ur deca per ml???
if u run deca with sus, u must drop the deca two weeks before the sus.
im not sure ill have to find out from the guy im gettin off. its hard to find good gear in australia so much fake shit, u got to know the right people and very $$$
Last edited by NuGGz; 09-05-2008 at 05:38 AM.
diet summary/# meals per day
years lifting / workout split
cycle experience
pct/estrogen control knowledge
goals (size/cut/strength/speed etc...)
138lbs and your doing cycles?
WTF man!
This is why we ask for stats before giving advice Stallion...
i withdraw my previous comment...
You should not be doing a cycle ever....
What if the guy is just small framed i.e short and skinny?
And weighs 135lbs?
Matt Serra is 5'6 and walks around at 195lbs...
I dont wanna hear about shortness, you can put on mass on ANYONE!
its all a question of how hard one wants it...
ill put a photo up of me.
give me a sec
sorry cant work out how to.
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