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  1. #1
    fedor12 is offline New Member
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    Sep 2008

    3 month vs 6 month cycle

    26, 5'10, currently 210, just under 15% bf, in winter 265lbs closer to 20% bf
    Here are my previous cycles
    1st cycle - 3 month sust (500mg/wk), dbol (30mg/day)

    2nd cycle - 3 month prop (400mg/wk), tren (75eod), winny (100mg/eod)

    3rd cylce - 6 month, first half - sust (750mg/wk), deca (500mg/wk), dbol (40-50mg/day) second half, prop(400mg/wk) tren (75mg/eod)

    4th cycle- 6 month, first half- enanthate (500-700mg/wk), deca (500mg/wk), dbol (40-50mg/day) second half, prop (400mg/wk) var (40mg/day)

    So here is my problem. 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle went well, during the bulk phases i would get up to 265lbs and during the cutter phases i would go down to low 200s.

    4th cycle, was not succesful at all, i was not able to make much more improvement over my 3rd cycle, and after coming off I lost pretty much all my strength, my strength went down atleast 25 percent on most of my lifts. I did proper pct, and good hcg throughout the whole cycle. Part of it is probably not enough calories and too much cardio while cutting, but with my body type i need to be pretty extreme to lose weigth.

    So what do i do for my 5th cycle?
    I was thinking maybe i should go back to the 3 month on 3 off, but my reasoning behind doing a 6 month is to bulk up and then cut in thesame cycle so i dont lose the muscle put on during my bulk phase.

    Also, should i raise my doses. Go over 1000mg test per week? Or maybe try some HGH.

    Should i do another cutter right now, get under 200lbs and under 10 %bf and then do a crazy bulk in the spring?
    Or should i do a lean bulk this winter not go over 16% bf and cut in the spring down to 10-11% bf?

    Also this past cycle i did not feel comfortable at 265, lots of it was water. Should i bulk with prop and eq so i dont go up to 265 again? and stay away from long estered test and deca.

    Any input, ideas, criticisms would be great.
    Especially from those who have had an unsuccesul cycle and were able to bounce back from it.

  2. #2
    Romme1 is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2008
    IMO 6 months is to long to be on, remember your test lvls are very suppressed, and the longer time they are suppresed, the harder the recovery.

  3. #3
    kloter1's Avatar
    kloter1 is offline Southern Steel Bodybuilding
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    A lean bulk is the only way I do it. I guess its easier to do that being an ecto. If your on for 6 months youll need the other half year to recover. I think a 3 monther makes more sense.

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