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  1. #1
    __DevilDog__ is offline Junior Member
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    Advanced Bodybuilding Cycle- Critique needed

    I just started a cycle looks like this:

    week 1-4 anapolon 100mg daily
    week 5-9 anavar at 40 mg daily
    week 1-12 test cyprionate 600 mg/week
    week 1-12 boldenone 200 600 mg/week

    HGH- 8 iu daily , I am on the 12 week now

    PCT is already prepared: week 12-20 100 mg clomid and 20-40 nolva

    diet is great:

    Meal 1: 8 eggwhites, one pack of oats-blend them to make bodybuilding pancakes, grapefruit juice one cup

    Meal 2: 3 scoops of iso mass pure- 63 g protein, 80 gram carbs mixed with a mix of dextrose and maldex with milk and 1 tablespoon peanut butter


    Meal 3: post workout shake, iso mass pure with water

    Meal 4: grilled chicken breasts or steaks with brown past/rice, sweet potato

    Meal 5: grilled chicken breasts or steaks with brown past/rice, sweet potato

    Meal 6: grilled chicken breasts or steaks with brown past/rice, sweet potato or sometimes I try to go and eat sushi to get the fats from salmon and other fish

    Please feel free to critique my cycle and add any comments
    I have never used anapolon or anadrol so dont know when it kicks in. when does it get to work?

  2. #2
    stallion_1 is offline suspended
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    Quote Originally Posted by __DevilDog__ View Post
    I just started a cycle looks like this:

    week 1-4 anapolon 100mg daily
    week 5-9 anavar at 40 mg daily
    week 1-12 test cyprionate 600 mg/week
    week 1-12 boldenone 200 600 mg/week

    HGH- 8 iu daily , I am on the 12 week now

    PCT is already prepared: week 12-20 100 mg clomid and 20-40 nolva

    diet is great:

    Meal 1: 8 eggwhites, one pack of oats-blend them to make bodybuilding pancakes, grapefruit juice one cup

    Meal 2: 3 scoops of iso mass pure- 63 g protein, 80 gram carbs mixed with a mix of dextrose and maldex with milk and 1 tablespoon peanut butter


    Meal 3: post workout shake, iso mass pure with water

    Meal 4: grilled chicken breasts or steaks with brown past/rice, sweet potato

    Meal 5: grilled chicken breasts or steaks with brown past/rice, sweet potato

    Meal 6: grilled chicken breasts or steaks with brown past/rice, sweet potato or sometimes I try to go and eat sushi to get the fats from salmon and other fish

    Please feel free to critique my cycle and add any comments
    I have never used anapolon or anadrol so dont know when it kicks in. when does it get to work?
    question, u said ur already on week 12, so you should know when the drol kicked in right??

  3. #3
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    What about this cycle seems advanced to you? Is it bc of the HGH?

    It looks ok to me, but the Anavar dosage could be higher to 60mg or so.

    I really don't agree that your diet is "great" since I don't see any fruit/veggies.

    Good luck

  4. #4
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Diet is ok at best...

    Youre only eating 4 meals really....

    And its kinda hard to tell how decent it is without marcos or at the least how muc your food weighs...

    Id up the Var, and it is being run at an strange point in your cycle no?

  5. #5
    burnin69's Avatar
    burnin69 is offline Member
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    I would run PCT for around 5wks with 100mg clomid during the first couple days then just 50mg the rest. Run the nolva at 20mg but for 6wks. I would run some HCG through the back half of the cycle. Also agree a littler higher on the anavar .

  6. #6
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    100mg of Clomid is a terrible idea...

    Way too much, id be shocked if you didnt get sides from that high a dose...

    Nolva, Clomid, and Proviron as a PCT would be just fine... HCG might be overkill, but it couldnt hurt...

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