Comes out September 30th.
I highly recommend this for anyone who's interesting in steroids on any level.
Some great info, and very entertaining.
Check it out!
Comes out September 30th.
I highly recommend this for anyone who's interesting in steroids on any level.
Some great info, and very entertaining.
Check it out!
Watched it and I loved it. If anyone didn't watch it, I suggest that you grab it.
man i cant wait to buy that!
i bet you could pick it up at best buy
I saw it online and liked it.. I'll stop pirating and pick it up just because i liked it so damn much.
i've seen it 30x..... i'm gonna buy it and watch it 30 more.
gotta support the small guys!
better than michael moore's bullshit documentaries....
currently dl'ing...>
cant wait to see it..
anyone have a link to see it online???
only download it if you plan on buying it :P
it's not like the new batman movie that's made $500,000+ and one sale loss wont kill it...
it was good, not really amazing or anything but still a step in the right direction
I think most places will have it.
Maybe not Wallmart, but definitely Best Buy and places like that.
I'm getting it off Netflix and copying it.
I gave them my 9 bucks already at the theatre!
Awesome movie about fat kids that do steroids to fit in cause America hates fatties.
Last edited by Voice of Reason; 12-08-2008 at 10:04 AM.
just finished watching the film. very very good imo..
Have it at the top of my Netflix list. Can't wait for it to come out.
thank you for posting the link, just watched it. every bit as good as the trailer.
you can order it off also.
im assuming this only was in theaters in the u.s.? cause i didnt see it here in Canada anywhere..
Yea that movie was awesome. My favorite part was when he was interviewing greg valentino, so funny. There was a scene also where the interviewer's brother broke into tears spontaneously and i was like holy shit they do make u emotional LOL!
I rented it from Blockbuster. They only had one copy in stock at my local store.
Try megavideo. works good
Anyone From the UK seen this? and any ideas where to guy it from? If im allowed to ask that.
Will try that thanks.
Saw it once and and will deff see it again. I suggest anyone who is having trouble with their girlfriends or wifes not understanding should set them down and watch the movie together.
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