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  1. #1
    joiningthedarkside is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2008

    shut down of test

    part of the reason why its bad to take aas at a young age is because it can shut down natural test permanetly, or at least its possible right? well has that happened to anyone on this forum?

  2. #2
    warchild's Avatar
    warchild is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    good ?. not me

  3. #3
    rhino1's Avatar
    rhino1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Your GF's Hot Wet Snatch
    and stunt growth...and your making lots of test anyway...and you should just eat alot.....DONT USE IT point

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    In humans your Endocrine system is not full functional until an average age of 25yrs, although the main development is up to around 21yrs it still fluctuates alittle bit up to its fully functional age. There is a risk of permanently damaging your HPTA if you take AAS to young and you could end up with symptoms of andropause and HRT for life. Symptoms could be Limp dick,low libido,depression,low energy,low endurance,erections problems and many more but.......are these the types of symptoms you want to have in your 20's?. Believe me its hard to cope with these in your 40's yet alone in your prime of your life.

    Around this age your Testosterone levels are the highest they going to be in your life naturally, so use what you have and don't take the risk of damage, I am passionate about this because ive seen it many times with young kids wanting to looking like their heroes and they think the answer is in an injection/tablet.

    Taking AAS to young can also cause problems with development, one other main problem is premature sealing of your epiphyeal bone and the consequences mean that you wont grow as big as your genetics could allow you to, there is a test which can be done to see if your growth plates have sealed yet but the average age is around 21yrs old.

  5. #5
    joiningthedarkside is offline Associate Member
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    i see what u guys are saying and i respect that and i take into consideration. im 20 but judging from that pole it seems like more than half the people on this forum where 25 or younger when they started there first cycle and i havent had anyone say the've had comlpications with that.

  6. #6
    bbuilder's Avatar
    bbuilder is offline Associate Member
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    Dude, what a GREAT posting!!!!!!! It's a shame that most KIDS can't do a search and read this before they ask about "HOWS MY CYCLE LOOK"

    In humans your Endocrine system is not full functional until an average age of 25yrs, although the main development is up to around 21yrs it still fluctuates alittle bit up to its fully functional age. There is a risk of permanently damaging your HPTA if you take AAS to young and you could end up with symptoms of andropause and HRT for life. Symptoms could be Limp dick,low libido,depression,low energy,low endurance,erections problems and many more but.......are these the types of symptoms you want to have in your 20's?. Believe me its hard to cope with these in your 40's yet alone in your prime of your life.

    Around this age your Testosterone levels are the highest they going to be in your life naturally, so use what you have and don't take the risk of damage, I am passionate about this because ive seen it many times with young kids wanting to looking like their heroes and they think the answer is in an injection/tablet.

    Taking AAS to young can also cause problems with development, one other main problem is premature sealing of your epiphyeal bone and the consequences mean that you wont grow as big as your genetics could allow you to, there is a test which can be done to see if your growth plates have sealed yet but the average age is around 21yrs old.

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