Okay, I am 41 years old, lifting for 20 years, 215lbs
Its time to add some quality with a little help. I am NOT looking for a complete lifestyle change just to do a couple of cycles a year and look tighter and thicker than normal. Ya know, like around the Summer time.........
My concerns:
1) Hair loss - I am already slightly balding so its a concern
2) Sex drive - I cannot disregard this
I know Deca Durabolin is a great choice. But then theres the dreaded Deca Dick.
I am reading about Proviron (Mestenolone) which may help in the limp dick area but then I am also reading its a DHT dirivative and may cause more premature balding. So I have a couple of questions:
1) Taking doses of 50mg Proviron in a cycle with Deca, should I be THAT concerned about hair loss and from your experience or basic knowledge would it help with any limp dick issues?
2) If I am taking Deca and decide to stack with a testosterone (Long Ester) product, would that be more beneficial than Proviron in terms of sustaining a hard on AND would it have LESS chances of hair loss. In other words which will create more of a hair loss at the same qty's, Proviron or Test?
3) IMPORTANT - If I decide on Deca alone ( I know, its a REAL beginners cycle. I am a ***** what can I tell ya)followed by any necesssary PCT, can I simply take Viagra when necessary to help with any Deca Dick issues?
Your direction is appreciated.