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Thread: Least problematic mix......

  1. #1

    Least problematic mix......

    Okay, I am 41 years old, lifting for 20 years, 215lbs
    Its time to add some quality with a little help. I am NOT looking for a complete lifestyle change just to do a couple of cycles a year and look tighter and thicker than normal. Ya know, like around the Summer time.........

    My concerns:
    1) Hair loss - I am already slightly balding so its a concern
    2) Sex drive - I cannot disregard this

    I know Deca Durabolin is a great choice. But then theres the dreaded Deca Dick.
    I am reading about Proviron (Mestenolone) which may help in the limp dick area but then I am also reading its a DHT dirivative and may cause more premature balding. So I have a couple of questions:

    1) Taking doses of 50mg Proviron in a cycle with Deca, should I be THAT concerned about hair loss and from your experience or basic knowledge would it help with any limp dick issues?

    2) If I am taking Deca and decide to stack with a testosterone (Long Ester) product, would that be more beneficial than Proviron in terms of sustaining a hard on AND would it have LESS chances of hair loss. In other words which will create more of a hair loss at the same qty's, Proviron or Test?

    3) IMPORTANT - If I decide on Deca alone ( I know, its a REAL beginners cycle. I am a ***** what can I tell ya)followed by any necesssary PCT, can I simply take Viagra when necessary to help with any Deca Dick issues?

    Your direction is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    as long as you run at least a hrt dose(200mgs a week) of test with the deca you shouldnt have any problems
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  3. #3
    So Test instead of Proviron?

    Do ya think there will be much of an issue with hairloss?

  4. #4
    In terms of hairloss, dont even say proviron again. Just forget about it. Stick with low dose test.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    there will always be an issue with hairloss when using aas if your prone to be honest if your not looking to change your lifestyle than you may not get the results you want.aas is great for those whom are dedicated and disiplined enough to use them properly for optimum results.anyway,goodluck to you watever you choose.

  6. #6
    Okay guys.....
    First - I want to make a change. I a dedicated bodybuilder, 20 years and counting. No doubts here!

    Second - I keep hearing that test is the way to go either as a base or a stack.
    So then if I am going with test, limp dick is NOT an issue.

    So I am back to hair loss.
    I am susceptable to it. I am not afraid of losing everything but want to bve cautious nonetheless. How about a cycle with test to start and siupplementing with Dutasteride to help ease my concerns? Of course any necessary PCT would apply.

  7. #7
    Personally I found turinabol really effective and no hair loss, and i lose hair on everything. An idea for future cycles.

  8. #8
    Jiggaman, Thanks for posting. I am looking into the Turinabol. Very interesting post on the whole hair loss thing here.

    Since I want to start a beginners cycle with Test. Let me add to my initial thoughts, I want to supplement with one of the following since I am prone to MPB:

    1) Dutasteride - Dutasteride is an inhibitor of both type-1 and type-2 isoenzymes of DHT, with 45-fold greater potency than finasteride against type-1 and type-2 isoenzymes. Approximately 85% to 90% of DHT is suppressed by the inhibition of type-2 isozymes.

    2) Spironolactone - Effective in protecting the follicles from DHT because it (A) inhibits the synthesis of DHT locally, (B) converts testosterone in the scalp to estrogen, and (C) blocks the androgen receptor sites on the hair follicles, effectively preventing even circulating DHT from attaching to the receptor sites. No side effect known.

    Which would you use?

    I've read that reducing DHT TOO much has a negative impact on the effectiveness of Testosterone. True or false?

    Feedback aqppreciated.

  9. #9
    In a way. What happens is since nothings being converted to DHT, theres more that can be converted to estrogen. You would be hard pressed to find anyone recommend spironolactone over dutasteride, although i didnt find anything that was effective.

  10. #10

    You are the man with knowledge!

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