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Thread: Possible Infection???

  1. #1

    Possible Infection???

    I shot .5cc Fina in each bi yesterday morning and today, the injection site on my left bi looks and feels exactly like a wasp sting. It is red and puffy about 1.5 inches all around the pin hole and itches just like an insect sting. Is it infected and will some hydrocortisone cream make this go away?

  2. #2
    If its infected hydrocortizone cream won't help. It reduces swelling but won't do anything for an infection. The problem with using an antibiotic cream is that you can't get under the skin with it. If it is infected you need antibiotics. I don't know if its infected, but I'd see the doc in case it is. Ask him to keep the conversation off the charts. Otherwise, go to a doc who doesn't know you and pay cash.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    BC, Canada
    Did you swab with alcohol? Hydocortisone should work with the stinging and itch...try icing it down. Check back with us tomorrow and let us know how it feels.


  4. #4
    Yeah, I swabbed before and after sticking. This has never happend before until now. I'll ice it and put some hydrocortisone on it tonight and if it isn't better in a day or two, I'll have it checked out. I just don't want to have to see a doc about it, I don't like anyone knowing about my AS usage.

  5. #5
    You probably know this already, but if you see little red lines spreading out from it, don't wait, see a doc immediately.

  6. #6
    No red lines, just pink and puffy like a bee or wasp sting. I took a benadryl and put some triple antibiotic ointment on it. We'll see what it looks like in the morning.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Yeah I'd go with antihistamines, maybe an allergic reaction

    Be careful though bro, like Mastiff said, watch out for those red lines spreading, my mother got the red lines traveling up her arms from a cut on her finger and when she finally went to the hospital they told her if she had waited another day she probably would have died.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    For an infection you are all talking about with the red lines will taking anti-botics help? If so which ones? Just Curious.

  9. #9
    Just curious, if you get the red lines, don't wait, see a doctor. Self medicating could wind up killing you. Antibiotics could help, but we are not doctors. Different antibiotics work on different bacteria. You need the right antibiotic, not guesswork.

  10. #10
    It looks better today. The puffiness is gone and it is not as red as yesterday. It is still pink and itchy but no red lines or anything else that looks bad. I will give it a day or two more with the benadryl and the triple antibiotic ointment to see if it goes away.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by Mastiff
    Just curious, if you get the red lines, don't wait, see a doctor. Self medicating could wind up killing you. Antibiotics could help, but we are not doctors. Different antibiotics work on different bacteria. You need the right antibiotic, not guesswork.
    Thanks Hopefully it never happens to me though

  12. #12
    Real good, Latman. Hopefully it'll heal without any further problems.

  13. #13


    Hey guys I have a similar problem,

    I took a shot of Cytahoh SUST 250mg about a week ago in the Rear delt area. The next day I could not lift my arm hardly. I was in Pain, the area was red and warm to the touch, seemed swollen. I got a little nervouse being that it was the first time I took a shot. I bloew it off. Its been about 5 days and the swelling has gone down and redness has also gone away but the area feels alittle ichty i dont see any bumps or anything what soever. Has anyone exp this? Thanks

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by rvelez
    Hey guys I have a similar problem,

    I took a shot of Cytahoh SUST 250mg about a week ago in the Rear delt area. The next day I could not lift my arm hardly. I was in Pain, the area was red and warm to the touch, seemed swollen. I got a little nervouse being that it was the first time I took a shot. I bloew it off. Its been about 5 days and the swelling has gone down and redness has also gone away but the area feels alittle ichty i dont see any bumps or anything what soever. Has anyone exp this? Thanks
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