Hello all, Just joined the forum, going to hit up my first cycle in a few weeks, here's the lowdown.
25 year old male
6', 190lbs, about 13%BF
Casual training for 4 years, more serious in the past year
After educating myself as thoroughly as possible I've decided on the following:
400mg nandrolone/wk total to be spread out EOD for 12weeks
600mg test/wk total for 14 weeks, 2 wks past the nandrolone
I've got 10mgx40tabs of proviron, and 10mgx100tabs of Novadex (generic) standing by
There seems to be a lot of conjecture on when/how exactly to take the Pro for PCT and whether or not to take the Nova PCT or at all during the cycle, so opinions on that would be appriciated.
When I was purchasing my saftey drugs I was unaware the the nandrolone has the potiental to cause gyno through a different action than the test so I didn't purchase any "bromo-----?". Thoughts on the risk of running the cycle without it?
I'm also undecided on what test to use. At first I was going to use a generic sostenon-like product, but recently I've decided that either Ethenate or Cyponate would probobly be more appropriate. Opinion on what test?
I live next to mexico and I can purchase anything, anytime. Cheap. I guess I'm pretty lucky in that regard. So since I have the pick of the litter, what should I run? Is there a third product I might consider adding to the stack?
BTW I was unable to find generic Arimidex in Mexico. It was $240/box even there. Ouch. Do any of the OTC supplements that claim anti-aromatase action live up to the claim?
I've read a lot of archives, these are the me-specific questions I've still left to answer, so any and all opinions would be apprciated.
Thanks boys,