about to finally start my first cycle of test and eq and just wanted to know what some sides are from this cycle...i have done alot of research but no one ever says anything about the sides...thanks bros
about to finally start my first cycle of test and eq and just wanted to know what some sides are from this cycle...i have done alot of research but no one ever says anything about the sides...thanks bros
dude if you've done a lot of research i would have thought you would have heard plenty about sides as this is one of the things discussed most, obviously. But i ran a test EQ cycle recently and i liked it a lot. Side effects depends on the person and dosages. Assuming moderate doses you will get a little acne and that should be about it.... keep nolvadex on hand for gyno.
Possible acne, gyno, hairloss, etc. Who knows for sure until you do it. I am sure I will get different sides than you! Good luck bro!
The most noticeable side I got was hunger. I ate and ate and ate and was still hungry. Vascularity was another. Oh ya last but not least my muscles grew
Do you mean other than the normal sides? Hunger can be one... altho not in everyone.
i'm currently running a test and eq cycle. this is what i've notice so far as far as sides are concern: hunger, mild acne, night sweats. i shave my head so can't comment on hair loss.
im doing test dbol eq right now, havn't really noticed the hunger too much, at least not much more than usuall and im taking 600mg/week...other than that i havn't really had any sides...just goes to show...
I'm on a test/eq cycle at the moment and all I've noticed is GREAT PUMPS, hunger and I'm getting much stronger! The one side I have noticed so far is heavy breathing, every once is awhile I seem to have trouble catching my breath, it usually goes away after a few hours and its more of an annoyance than anything else.
I'm taking 400mgs a week for 10 weeks....starting 8th week. No sides to really bitch about yet.....got some zits one weekend and that was about it so far. Good first cycle to get in the game....I'll probably run it again w/ maybe 200mgs test a week to see how that works next time.
thanks for the replys everyone helped me out alot
Hello KILLER PUMPS! After only two weeks you start getting awesome pumps. The area you are working looks vascular and feels rock hard. So add short term hypertrophy during workouts to the "side effects" list.![]()
Different strokes for different folks I guess. I got bad lower back pumps at about 3 1/2 weeks at around 5/6 I got pumps everywhere else. Do have more viens even though I have a higher bf% than most.
ive been doing test cyp/eq for 4 weeks now! gained 7kg and the strength increases are incredible! Only downside is ive had flu for 2.5 weeks!! few spots on my shoulders but other then that awesome!!
i am running eq 400mg/week and test enath 400mg/week, i am in my 8th week and the only thing i have noticed is maby some acne on the shoulders and back, but only when i really sweat alot. or from my work shirts. have not really notcied the hunger, no hair loss,
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