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Thread: New Cycle Proposal Comments Needed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    New Cycle Proposal Comments Needed

    Age: 22
    6'1" 195 8%bf

    Cycle History:

    Cycle #1 Test E 500mg weeks 1-12
    Clomid/ Nolva

    Not really any side effects. But I did get acne from the clomid.

    Cycle #2 Test E 500mg weeks 1-15
    Tren A 50mg ED weeks 2-9

    PCT was not sent to me and was not done right. I suffered bad acne and really low natty test levels for the next 7 months.

    I have been off 2 years and I am in shape and have been dieting and training for properly.

    Proposed Cycle
    Weeks 1-12 Prop 50mg ED
    Liquidex (from AR-R) .25 mg ED

    PCT (Starting 2 days after last injection)
    Tamox (from AR-R) for 7 weeks 20mg ED
    Liquidex (from AR-R) for 4 weeks .5 mg ED

    Question #1
    Now if im not mistaken and after reading recent posts have raised the current concern for me, is it ok/beneficial for me to run liquidex with tamox. Point being that liquidex and arimidex are essentially anastrozole.

    Question #2
    Is the mg of the prop ok/beneficial for substantial gains? Or would a higher dose for a shorter time be better? (Keep in mind that I am trying to make my size last this cycle as I have an event that is 24 weeks out)

    Any questions, comments or concerns would be greatly appreciated as I am trying to start Oct 1.
    Last edited by A&FGuy; 09-10-2008 at 12:30 PM.

  2. #2
    I did 50mg/ed and had decent results. I wouldnt be afraid to add something else in like winny/masteron/tbol/var.

    Yes, liquidex and arimidex are the same. But that has nothing to do with tamoxifen, as thats a completely different substance altogether.

    You could go higher for a shorter time, that might be the better option, but I wont say you wont get gains from 350mg/week.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    I meant i have read that liquidex in an essence "cancels out" tamox or poses other problems.

  4. #4
    I hope not. That's going to be my PCT as well as many others.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    tamoxifen will lower the effectiveness of the arimidex, but will not cancel it out. you will have to run a higher dose of liquidex then you ordinarily would. its not a huge problem but if you can afford it then aromasin would be a better option for an AI.

    50mg of prop ed may provide some gains but i would bump up either the tren or the test a little. also have some caber/bromo on hand.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    you mean bump it up with some tren?

    Now if tamox lowers the effectiveness of the liquidex, will the liquidex lower the effectiveness of the tamox, because that would pose a huge problem. Also im not prone gyno, just too add.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    either bump the tren or bump the test. you are on the low end for both of them.

    tamox lowers the effectiveness of type 2 AI's (ex. arimidex, letro) the effectiveness of the nolva will remain unchanged.

    caber/bromo is not just for gyno. better safe then sorry if you ask me.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    the tren cycle was in my history lol, the cycle im proposing is the last one. Good to know about the nolva though. Does ldex do anything for natty test levels or estrogen though?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    OOOooooooooOOO now i get it. scratch the caber. nolva and ldex are fine. ldex should be used on cycle if needed and both used post cycle. ldex will contol estro and raise test. sorry im out of it today. what are your goals for the cycle?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    We all have those days, lol. Do you think ill need ldex on cycle? And it is safe on PCT, so .5mg ED for PCT would be sufficient? My goals are to gain 15lbs-20lbs of lean mass and keep 15lbs when everything is said an done.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    weeks 1-8 75mg prop ed
    weeks 9-12 post cycle
    -nolva 20/20/20/20
    -adex .5ed/.5ed/.25ed/.25eod

    i doubt you will need the adex on cycle if you are not gyno prone. just have enough on hand incase you do need it.

    this is how i would run it. with a sick a** diet of course.

  12. #12
    I would up the test to 75mgs a day. With your cycle experience 350 mgs might be to low per week.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    The only stipulation or question I have with that is that I will have 3 extra weeks of tamox on hand and nothing to do with it, would it be beneficial for me to just run it for the 7 weeks? Also is there benefit to tapering the ldex in pct? And one last thing, did you keep in mind that im trying to stay as big as possible for an event 24 weeks out, in other words my gains would be better at 75 for 7 1/2 weeks as apposed to 50mg for 11 1/2 weeks?

    sry to ask so many questions im just trying to get the most input, so its planned to the t.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    "Unleash Hell"
    Quote Originally Posted by A&FGuy View Post
    The only stipulation or question I have with that is that I will have 3 extra weeks of tamox on hand and nothing to do with it, would it be beneficial for me to just run it for the 7 weeks? Also is there benefit to tapering the ldex in pct? And one last thing, did you keep in mind that im trying to stay as big as possible for an event 24 weeks out, in other words my gains would be better at 75 for 7 1/2 weeks as apposed to 50mg for 11 1/2 weeks?

    sry to ask so many questions im just trying to get the most input, so its planned to the t.
    Personally, I would add two extra weeks to the Nolva PCT protocol at 20mgs. If you run it for one more extra week, IMO, I don't think it will hurt you.

    In regards tapering the ldex in pct, it is a wise and good idea as Letro/Nolva will hinder each other's effectiveness. If I were you and I knew that I'm not Gyno prone, I would skip it for PCT. However, I would run it on cycle ED at .25mgs if and only if, I'm gyno prone. You're doing just a Test Prop cycle, again, I don't think you need the ldex!

    About the gains questions, yes and no! Gains kept after cycle = strong PCT protocol + (more importantly) Clean DIET + Workout routine. IMO, Diet determines if you bulk or cult on a given cycle.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    I mean I have had a very small amount of gyno but that was after my tren cycle of unbalanced blood levels, and no pct.

    So what about just running it in pct only but like this

    weeks 1-7 20mg tamox
    weeks 1 (.5mg) 2 (.5mg) 3 (.25mg) 4 (.25mg EOD) l-dex

    And as for the gains, I just wanted to know if 7.5 weeks at 75mg would be better, or 50mg at 11.5 weeks? Keep in mind that my diet and training program are very well planned out.
    Last edited by A&FGuy; 09-11-2008 at 05:48 PM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    The Center Ring
    have you considered running clomid as well?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    instead of ldex? I have but last time i took clomid i broke out slightly and had mood swings.

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