24 yrs old 210lbs. 13-15% BF 4-5 years of training
2 previous cycles
1st - 500mg test e for 10 weeks
2nd - 500 mg test e 600 mg deca for 10 weeks with t-bol for first 4 weeks at 60 mg
Used arimidex during both cycles and used clomid and aromisin for PCT
Last cycle was over two years ago
Up coming cycle:
weeks 1-6 80mg t-bol
weeks 1-10 600 mg deca
weeks 1-12 550mg sust
I have arimidex for the to take during the cycle
I also have clomid, bromo and proviron.
I do not know anything about bromo. When should I take it and how much?
I was planning on running the proviron during the cycle but I wont have any for PCT.
And after reading recent posts I do not want to run arimidex and clomid together for PCT.
Should I use HCG?