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Thread: First cycle in awhile. Need Some PCT help.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mobile, AL

    First cycle in awhile. Need Some PCT help.

    24 yrs old 210lbs. 13-15% BF 4-5 years of training
    2 previous cycles
    1st - 500mg test e for 10 weeks
    2nd - 500 mg test e 600 mg deca for 10 weeks with t-bol for first 4 weeks at 60 mg

    Used arimidex during both cycles and used clomid and aromisin for PCT

    Last cycle was over two years ago

    Up coming cycle:
    weeks 1-6 80mg t-bol
    weeks 1-10 600 mg deca
    weeks 1-12 550mg sust

    I have arimidex for the to take during the cycle

    I also have clomid, bromo and proviron.

    I do not know anything about bromo. When should I take it and how much?

    I was planning on running the proviron during the cycle but I wont have any for PCT.

    And after reading recent posts I do not want to run arimidex and clomid together for PCT.

    Should I use HCG?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    R.I.P. TMOS
    Adex is cool to run on cycle bro...

    You need Nolva for PCT too dude, nolva is the cornerstone of any PCT...

    Proviron is pct is cool, and HCG is advised for a cycle that includes Deca or Tren.

    I like to use 500iu 2xW for 4 weeks...

    So a quick overview...


    Adex-On cycle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mobile, AL
    Would running proviron on cycle be bad?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    "Unleash Hell"
    Quote Originally Posted by deznuts View Post

    Up coming cycle:
    weeks 1-6 80mg t-bol
    weeks 1-10 600 mg deca
    weeks 1-12 550mg sust

    I have arimidex to take during the cycle.
    Good; but if you have Proviron/Letro, use that instead at proper dosage. Adex is good too, so at the end, actually is your call on what's best for you. If I would have Adex in hand rather than Letro, I would use the Adex on cycle.

    I also have clomid, bromo and proviron.
    Good; you seem to have done your homework well!

    I do not know anything about bromo. When should I take it and how much?
    Bromo is used to treat prolactin/progesterone sides usually from 19nors, i.e., Tren, NPP, Deca. IMO, I think Caber is better for progesteron sides than Bromo. Caber is is a long-acting dopamine-agonist drug that suppresses prolactin secretion and restores gonadal function...

    I was planning on running the proviron during the cycle but I wont have any for PCT.
    Run Letro on cycle ED at .25mg for Estro control. It does what Proviron does with the added benefit of Estro control and leave your Proviron for PCT instead. Bad thing with Letro is that is is quite suppresive on gains so just use it at very low dosages i.e. .25mgs.

    Should I use HCG?
    Not really; it is not that necessary... but if you do have it, then use it for faster Testo recovery.

    Quote Originally Posted by deznuts View Post
    Would running proviron on cycle be bad?
    No.. it is actually good for on cycle progesteron control. Just keep Letro in hand in case Gyno arises.

    So, putting it all together:

    weeks 1-6 80mg t-bol
    weeks 1-10 600 mg deca
    weeks 1-12 550mg sust
    weeks 1-12 .25mgs Letro for Estro Control and
    weeks 1-12 .25mgs Cabergoline for Progesteron control ED on cycle -optional just to keep Progesterone levels in check.
    weeks 13-18 20mgs/25mgs Nolva/Clomid
    weeks 13-16 50mgs Proviron
    I would skip hCG, if I notice that my recovery is good with the above PCT regimen above, JMO!

    Last edited by "Maximus"; 09-11-2008 at 03:53 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    "Unleash Hell"
    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    Adex is cool to run on cycle bro...

    You need Nolva for PCT too dude, nolva is the cornerstone of any PCT...

    Proviron is pct is cool, and HCG is advised for a cycle that includes Deca or Tren.

    I like to use 500iu 2xW for 4 weeks...

    So a quick overview...


    Adex-On cycle
    Good, alternative, suggestion too!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    R.I.P. TMOS
    I agree with Maximus... I would do it exactly like this...

    weeks 1-6 80mg t-bol
    weeks 1-10 600 mg deca
    weeks 1-12 550mg sust
    weeks 1-12 .25mgs Letro EOD to start, and you can raise it up to ED if needed.
    weeks 1-12 .25mgs Cabergoline ED (it is optional just like Max said)

    weeks 13-18 20mgs/25mgs Nolva/Clomid
    weeks 13-16 50mgs Proviron
    weeks 11-14 500iu's 2xW HCG (it is optional, but i would include it)

    Thats what i would do...

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