if u want to go pro do i need insulin ,what is it exactly and what are the side effects ?
if u want to go pro do i need insulin ,what is it exactly and what are the side effects ?
wow bro thats quite a first post!first off have you used gear yet?what are your stats?insulin is for an advanced bodybuilder,just by your questions i can tel you you are not ready for insulin.use the search function bro,theres tons on insulin
no i am just wondering im acctually compeating in powerlifting but im 17 so i am gonna wait 1 or 2 years intill i start juicing i was just wondering if u have to take in insulin in the future
you need to be at least 18 to be a member of this website......Insulin is a very dangerous thing for someone who doesnt know how use it.....A side effect from insulin can be DEATH.....no joke, insulin is some serious business....
Before you get booted for being under age......list your stats.....maybe we can give you a little guidence before lock out....
He/she cannot only read the disclaimers on this forum, but you cannot read this forum itself. Where does it say you should be doing gear at 17+1 or 2 years old?powerlifting but im 17 so i am gonna wait 1 or 2 years intill i start juicing
Yes to reinstate what jstraw said it is very serious business and can result in death if not used properly. Thats one of the final things you'd include in your cycles after your experience has been brought up IMO.
Lets at least try to help him while we can......dont have much time left....
Here's his best help........
Read this quickly.
He is only 17, he doesnt even need to be thinking about doing a cycle at least for another 6-7 years.....
In that time, you could make a lot of gains naturally......
He can still view the board without being a member can't he?
sorry kid, BIGMAX is here.....you time here is over......please dont start cycling this young, and especilally dont use INSULIN....you will die....
haha first af all i am the son af magnus vers training partener and i am advised by the very best of powerlifter to wait til 18 but hahahha if u guys are miss understanding this i was curious if all pro bodybuilders are useing insulin i would never use it myself so understand the question before answering
Wait till your 18 is VERY funny. Whoever is "consulting" you is a moron and knows absolutely nothing about gear.
Best of luck. You're going to need it.
LOL.....great point. I'm sure he could answer your question. Especially since he's advising you do WAIT until you are at the ripe age of 18. THAT'S OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then why are you not asking them for the answers, hmmmmm
does that mean if i was the son of Batmans training partner, i could use his cool gadget belt.....Use your head kid, your too young....and if those guys are advising you to wait till your 18, they are dumbasses as well.....
bbuilder do u have a pro record ??? no hahaha so ure basiccly calling powerlifters assholes? Benidikt magnusson and all the icelandic lifters?
well, you will be booted from this site soon enough for being 17......and when you are old enough to actually be a true member, dont come back here with that piss poor cocky attitude....
What does me having a pro record have to do with you being a young idiot, that's listening to the wrong people?
Where did I call "powerlifters assholes"?
This is quite obviously your problem. YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO COMPREHEND what is being told to you.
Are you SURE your "expert" didn't tell you to NOT do gear at 18, instead of what you said "to DO gear at 18"?
For your information, I train like a powerlifter, but I'm a bodybuilder so I very much admire powerlifter. I despise children like yourself that cannot listen to good advise.
**** off man i was asking a ****ing question u have no right of telling me what i may and what i may not its a question for my personal reason none of ure buesniss what i do with that info
hahaha. Spoken like a true CHILD.
lol this is Comedy
haha i havent gotten booted yet haha idiot
I got a pro record.....I am 10-0-1...at kicking little punk ass kids like yourself....
Thank you PT.......this kid has no respect.....
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