Hey guys, currently on my cycle now doing a bulk first then the usual shred, but im lookin to do more then a normal shred im thinking...beyond unbeleivable shredding!!! high hopes yeah currently on week 1 i jus started
the cycle im on now is as follows
anapolon - 100mg ED - weeks 1-5
tren 250 - 2ml injection twice a week - weeks 2-6
stano - ? not to sure how injections go for the the stano yet? help please
i know though im planning to run it from week 7 - 12
diet is planned out accordingly and accounting for the switch in gear from bulkin to shredding.
some people gonna be goin why aint you using deca and sus or something for your bulk and the answer is simple. i dont want to go extremely massive jus yet. i dont know about you guys but i cant stand having a big gut.
if you guys have any input please do so. goal is that by then end of this cycle ill have results i can keep for awhile before my next cycle. results of an unbeleivable body 5% bf im hoping for
so if anyone can help with the dose of stano(in mls), time of injection and time that it should be run(took a guess at doing it for 6 weeks) and if anythiong else i should run with the stano to make the leaning effects more potent ...thanks guys