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Thread: hair loss and gyno questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    hair loss and gyno questions

    6 months ago I used sustenon250/winny and I had no gyno or hair loss...I was just wondering since currently I am 4 week into my deca/test/winny/clen cycle I am not getting any gyno or hair loss... does that mean I am safe? I wont get any hair loss from the cycle? now or for ever? and wow guys this cycle is sick I am right now I went from 193 and 12% bf to 207 with 8.4% bf and my goal is 220 -6% and on this pace I am way on the way. if I was going to promote a cycle this is ideal!

  2. #2
    I think it is dose dependent. At lower doses, no sides. At higher doses you get more sides. I don't think you are safe, but you know you are not prone to gyno or hairloss. It could still happen, just not as likely.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Originally posted by Mastiff
    I think it is dose dependent. At lower doses, no sides. At higher doses you get more sides. I don't think you are safe, but you know you are not prone to gyno or hairloss. It could still happen, just not as likely.
    agreed, just depends on the individual and the 'x factor', if you will, there are a lot of determinants when trying to consider something with so many variables...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    thanks for the reponses

    eventhough I dont like the responses that is the reality of it and I have to agree. Thanks alot!

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