Hey fellas,

I recently had my blood checked to see how it was, now 8 months after pct. DHT was really high, so was DHEA, and test obviously. And my estrogen was really low - all still within the "normal" range. This is 8 months after my aromasin pct, and these results are in comparison to my baselines.

But my TSH was about 5.0, which could be, depending on the medical camp you ask, well out of the normal range indicating hypothyroidism. So the doc ordered a new test for T3 and T4. Now, I remember being tired as f*&K the whole week of the first test, and all the time before it, but on the second one I felt energetic and well rested.

My questions:
a) could the energy reflect and improvement of thyroid function?
b) Is it possible for thryroid readings to change very much in the space of two weeks?
c) If I'm treated for hypo. T., how could I use the synthrox to my advantage?

Tried searching for this one, didnt see any straightforward discussions about it. Thanks guys.