would taking andriol be worth it, i havent found too much about weight gain and strength gains of this gear? any information would be appreciated!!!
would taking andriol be worth it, i havent found too much about weight gain and strength gains of this gear? any information would be appreciated!!!
not worth it imo. go with injectable
Why bother paying that much for one drug?
Ive heard that it can be very expensive
I gave it a go, what i found, crap!!!!!, you need to take about 10 - 15 tabs a day, ideally 2 every 2 hrs during waking hours, pain in the arse to keep it up, also the absorbsion rates are up and down like a yoyo. after looking at the gain i got i wondered if i would not have got the same with nothing.
Not impressed, go injectable test-e, 100% better and easier
Just my opinion
thats what i figured, i appreciate everything guys.. thanks
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