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  1. #1
    Civic0's Avatar
    Civic0 is offline Associate Member
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    advanced cycle with HGH

    After much research and reading, I have decided to use HGH. Trainer says it will benefit the most b/c I tend to hold more water than most people, as well as more body fat. Just my bodytype, thats all.

    Well, I plan on running test with it, obviously not the whole time. I would like to use HGH for about 8-10 months, and include a cycle or 2 in that time frame. Here is what I have in mind

    223 lbs
    15% BF

    1-2 hGh 2iu 5 on/2 off
    3-32 hGh 4iu 5on/2 off
    1-13 test cypionate 600mg/week
    1-13 EQ 400 mg/week
    13-14 test cyp 300 mg/week
    13-14 200 mg/week
    14=15 test cyp 150 mg
    14-15 eq 100 mg

    This is just an idea. Please feel free to critique. Anthony Robert's pct, works wonders for me. . . what do you think?

  2. #2
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Civic0 View Post
    After much research and reading, I have decided to use HGH. Trainer says it will benefit the most b/c I tend to hold more water than most people, as well as more body fat. Just my bodytype, thats all.

    Well, I plan on running test with it, obviously not the whole time. I would like to use HGH for about 8-10 months, and include a cycle or 2 in that time frame. Here is what I have in mind

    223 lbs
    15% BF

    1-2 hGh 2iu 5 on/2 off
    3-32 hGh 4iu 5on/2 off
    1-13 test cypionate 600mg/week
    1-13 EQ 400 mg/week
    13-14 test cyp 300 mg/week
    13-14 200 mg/week
    14=15 test cyp 150 mg
    14-15 eq 100 mg

    This is just an idea. Please feel free to critique. Anthony Robert's pct, works wonders for me. . . what do you think?
    why the tapering?

    are you bulking or cutting?

  3. #3
    Civic0's Avatar
    Civic0 is offline Associate Member
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    i always like to taper off; when i do not my sex drive is gone for months, ,

    I am bulking . . . after this cycle i will continue using the hgh and do another test cycle of like test tren or winny etc etc.....

  4. #4
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    the ester will taper itself..thats why we start pct when we do.. but if its worked for you in the past and its what works best for you.. then cool..
    might consider running a short ester like prop at the end so you can jump right on pct.. see if that works.. just another option

  5. #5
    Civic0's Avatar
    Civic0 is offline Associate Member
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    im allergic to the prop ester. ... .already thought of that one....

    but does this cycle look ok?

  6. #6
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Civic0 View Post
    After much research and reading, I have decided to use HGH. Trainer says it will benefit the most b/c I tend to hold more water than most people, as well as more body fat. Just my bodytype, thats all.

    Well, I plan on running test with it, obviously not the whole time. I would like to use HGH for about 8-10 months, and include a cycle or 2 in that time frame. Here is what I have in mind

    223 lbs
    15% BF

    1-2 hGh 2iu 5 on/2 off
    3-32 hGh 4iu 5on/2 off
    1-13 test cypionate 600mg/week
    1-13 EQ 400 mg/week
    13-14 test cyp 300 mg/week
    13-14 200 mg/week
    14=15 test cyp 150 mg
    14-15 eq 100 mg

    This is just an idea. Please feel free to critique. Anthony Robert's pct, works wonders for me. . . what do you think?
    2-4 iu daily long term will strip some BF%

  7. #7
    Civic0's Avatar
    Civic0 is offline Associate Member
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    and 5iu's or even 6?

  8. #8
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    For anti-aging, general health & healing, fat mobilization
    And other purposes such as these –
    A dose of 2-3 IU’s per day (~10 – 15 IU’s per week) will be sufficient. A dose of 1.5 - 2.0 IU’s is considered to be a full replacement dose for those in their middle age. Given we will get somewhere in the neighborhood of 70-80% absorption and utilization from our subQ injections, our 2-3 IU’s will for all intents and purposes equate to a full replacement measure of HGH.

    For gaining lean muscle and substantially improving body composition –
    For this purpose a dose of 5-10 IU’s per day (~25-50 IU’s per week) will be necessary. Most people that still have an alive and kicking pituitary will respond very well at a dose of 5 IU's per day, though advanced bodybuilders and other large strength athletes will find that dose approaching 10 IU’s per day will be in order.
    For maximum benefit in this regard, the addition of Testosterone and/or other anabolic should strongly be considered. For advanced use, other supplements like Insulin , and low-dose T3 or T4 would also be considerations.

    Regardless of your goal, as a general rule the best way to begin your HGH program is to start with a low dose and ease your body into the higher doses. This will allow you to avoid (or at least minimize) many of the more common (and unpleasant) sides of HGH such as bloating and joint pain & swelling. Most people can tolerate up to approximately 2 IU’s per day with few sides, so that would be a good place to start.

    For many using this as a general health supplement, that is as high as you will need to go. For others this will be only the start. Above 2.5 – 3 IU’s, I would definitely suggest that your split your injections into two per day instead of one unless it is just not feasible to do so. In my experiences, I have ran doses as high as 10 IU’s per injection, but at those doses I have suffered greatly with joint pain and bloating to the point of feeling like a Goodyear blimp. Also in my experimentation it seems that at least for me, keeping my individual doses down to 3-3.5 IU’s a piece, I more effectively elevate my IGF-1 levels while minimizing the need for mega-doses of HGH.

    Here is what a good ramp up strategy would look like:
    Weeks 1-4 = HGH 2 IU’s one injection
    Week 5 = HGH 2.5 IU’s one injection
    Week 6 = HGH 3.0 IU’s split into two injections of 1.5 IU’s each
    Week 7 = HGH 3.5 IU’s split into two injections of 1.75 IU’s each
    And so forth until you reach your desired dose.

    If at any point in this progression you begin to have unbearable bloating or joint pain, drop the dose by 25% and hold it at this lower dosage for a couple of weeks. If the sides subside, begin your progression back up toward your desired level. If the sides remain, lower your dose again and hold it at the lower level for two weeks before beginning the upward progression. This method will keep your HGH experience a good one and side free for the most part.

    For a normal cycle of 5-8 months in length, injecting once or twice a day, 7 days a week should be fine. While there are studies that suggest that the suppression and negative feedback from exogenous HGH is short lived (about 4 hours from time of injection), there are no large-scale studies to indicate safety of everyday injections in long-term use. There are studies by anti-aging groups demonstrating that a day or two off per week is adequate to protect the pituitary and its triggers over long cycles. If your use of HGH becomes more a lifestyle than a single cycle, I would consider running it 5 on/2 off, or 6 on/ 1 off until such time as we have reliable data demonstrating long-term safety sans any degradation of your own output or the triggers initiating that output. I have personally experimented with just about every conceivable injection strategy I could devise. What I can say about the anti-aging doctor’s supposition is that it panned out for me. I have recently come off of a 7-year run of HGH. I personally pull my own blood panels every six weeks routinely. After many months of being off of HGH, I now have the same profile I had before I began its use many years ago … high normal for my age. All levels and markers are perfectly normal.

    Another option would be to run your HGH cycle everyday for the first two months to get your IGF-1 levels elevated quickly and to a level to assist you in an anabolic way, then drop back to 5 days a week. If you can tolerate the sides of higher doses, running the same weekly dose divided every other day is fine as well. The list goes on and frankly is an individual proposition. What seems to be of greatest import is that your weekly supplement of HGH is respectable enough to provide the desired benefit.

  9. #9
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    what is withthe eq for wks 14-15? am i reading that right?

  10. #10
    Civic0's Avatar
    Civic0 is offline Associate Member
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    just tapering the drugs down, thats all

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