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  1. #1
    Thunder Monkey's Avatar
    Thunder Monkey is offline Junior Member
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    Lab Results Week10 of Test-E only 1st cycle.

    I got blood work done at week 10 of 12 for my current cycle of Test-E (500mg/wk) only. Some additional info, at week 8-9 I started to get some acne so I started taking .25ml arimidex daily, and I also started 500iu 2x a week of HCG in week 10. Doc wanted me to start my natural recover a few weeks before end of the cycle.

    Here you go:
    Cholesterol, Total: 88 L (125-200 mg/dl)
    HDL Cholesterol: 13 L (> or = 40 mg/dl)
    LDL Cholesterol: 63 (< 130 mg/dl)
    Estradiol: 91 H (13-54 pg/ml)
    HCG: 5H (<5 miu/ml)
    T3 Free: 341 (230-420 pg/dl)
    T4 Free: 1.7 (0.8 - 1.8 ng/dl)
    DHEA Sulfate: 221 (110-370 mcg/dl)
    IGF Binding Protein 3: 1.2L (3.4-7.0 mg/L)
    IGF-I: 76 L (106-255 ng/ml)
    Dyhydrotestosterone: 88 H (25-75 ng/dl)
    Testosterone Total: 3474 (250-1100 ng/dl)
    Testosterone Free %: 4.06 (1.50-2.20 %)
    Testosterone Free: 1410 (35.0-155.0 pg/ml)
    LH: < .02 L (1.5 - 9.3

    My Test was off the chart, I guess I got my hands on some legit gear =)

    My doc was very worried about my low HDL and total Cholesterol. He had me double my multivitamin and I go back for complete bloodwork again in 6 weeks (after PCT).

    Also he wasn't happy my IFG was low, so he put me on Semorelin 6mg, its a GHrH, or growth hormone release hormone or what not. He said this should help bump that up some.

    He know I'm starting PCT in 2 weeks but wanted me to increase my Arimidex to .5 ml/day because my Estradiol was high.

    And obviously since I'm on cycle my LH is shutdown at the time of the blood work, so we will look at those #'s in 6 weeks.

    Anyone have any thoughts comments on my labs? This was my first cycle, it did everything I wanted it to. I recovered all my strength in my shoudler from surgery last year. I shed some fat and I gained about 10lbs of muscle. All my pants are bigger in the waist, but all my shirts are tighter in the upper body. I got no complaints. I fell like a million bucks.

    I'm looking forward to my next cycle after PCT and 12 weeks off.


  2. #2
    hugovsilva's Avatar
    hugovsilva is offline Anabolic Member
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    I see no point in doing bloodwork in the middle of the cycle. Its obvious some values will be all over the place.

  3. #3
    Thunder Monkey's Avatar
    Thunder Monkey is offline Junior Member
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    I did blood work pre-cycle. I did blood at week 10/12 and I will be doing blood work after PCT. Call me crazy but I like knowing where I stand during cycle with some values. If I'm converting alot of Estrogen I know its time to up my AI a little. I'd also like to know how the Test is affecting my cholesterol. I'm glad I did because for some reason my HDL is very low, knowing this I'm smart not to take any red yeast rice or DHEA that could lower my HDL even more. Why go blind pre, during and post cycle without comprehensive blood work, I mean if you have the means? Its costs me nothing to have the lab work done.

  4. #4
    jstraw428's Avatar
    jstraw428 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I give you props for doing bloodwork, especially for your first cycle.......I also think, if you can afford it, or insurance is paying for it, why not do a lot of bloodwork......Its not like it is going to hurt to do that much bloodwork......

    I will always do bloodwork before i start a cycle, just to make sure everything is normal before i start....i will also usually do one after PCT, just to check on things...

    Keep up the good bloodWORK.....ha ha ha I made a funny...

  5. #5
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    Last time i checked IGF-1 isnt covered on blood test by my insurance (which covers everything), that must have cost you a pretty penny.

  6. #6
    jstraw428's Avatar
    jstraw428 is offline Anabolic Member
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    he said it costs him nothing to get lab work done....

  7. #7
    Thunder Monkey's Avatar
    Thunder Monkey is offline Junior Member
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    Actually... my insurance lets me do IGF1 twice a year with no cost to me but a copay office visit. However... I have a deal worked out with my doc, where I handle all the PCs, Servers and network in his office and I get my co-pay waived plus free stuff. He billed my insurance for my precycle bloodwork, but the last one we just did the doc covered it. He told me that the one lab test for IGF1 was $70 by itself through Quest Diagnostics.

    It is a little bit of a pain in the ass being at their beckon call with no compensation, but he gave me a 10,000iu bottle of HCG , all the free samples of Lunesta I could ever want, hand fulls of syringes, etc.. anything I need, anytime I need it. Its worked out great for both of us. If I wanted to re-run my blood tests right now they would do it and it would be no cost for me. So sometimes it works out in my favor bartering services etc...



  8. #8
    jstraw428's Avatar
    jstraw428 is offline Anabolic Member
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    sounds like a good deal.....i would get bloodtests done a lot more often if my insurance would pay for it all the time.....

  9. #9
    binder's Avatar
    binder is offline Member
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    The low cholesterol is a bad thing. I would add some bad fats into your diet. On top of that I would add some Fish oil for some really good fats to raise that HDL. Both together should help you out.

    And by adding bad fats i don't mean go crazy. I had to do the same. Maybe switch over to whole milk or even add a little milk to your diet if you don't have it already. You could also try some meat that isn't quite as lean as the meat you are eating now.

  10. #10
    binder's Avatar
    binder is offline Member
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    The low cholesterol is a bad thing. I would add some bad fats into your diet. On top of that I would add some Fish oil for some really good fats to raise that HDL. Both together should help you out.

    And by adding bad fats i don't mean go crazy. I had to do the same. Maybe switch over to whole milk or even add a little milk to your diet if you don't have it already. You could also try some meat that isn't quite as lean as the meat you are eating now.

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