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  1. #1
    Chode Logan's Avatar
    Chode Logan is offline AR's Ravishing Maestro of Anabolic Tastyness
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    Slight cycle guidance.

    Alright guys, this won't be my first (I've ran test, Tren , and deca before 3 cycles under my belt) but it will be my longest. Usually I opt for a 5/6 week mini cycle and get great results, my body loves it.

    I won't be doing the cycle for probably 6-8 weeks from now so this is just daydreaming until then, but here's the basic idea.

    Test CYP
    weeks 1-10
    250 every 4 days

    Tren A weeks 3-10
    75 every 2 days

    Now, this might be a retarded question, but I have a bottle of M1t's burning a hole in my collection, wondering if it would be absurd to toss some of those down my throat for the first 2 weeks until the CYP kicks in and the tren starts.

    Aswell, I know the tren dosage is low by some standards, but I got great results from even 50 EOD so I'm confident that 75 EOD will be plenty. Also, there's a chance I might use prop instead of CYP, in which case completely ignore my m1t question.

    Aswell, my body usually reacts to AAS pretty damn quickly. Some people claim to not feel cyp kick in for 4 weeks, last cycle I used it and felt it within a week, big time.

    Rough stats...
    18% bf (I know it's higher than the general concensous says you should be around here, but I'm not fat and it won't hinder my gains so please just ignore this fact if that's what you're thinking. Last time I ran CYP/TREN I dropped 4 percent bodyfat so I plan on a similar reaction)
    Training for 6 years, I know what I'm doing just looking for any advice.

  2. #2
    Chode Logan's Avatar
    Chode Logan is offline AR's Ravishing Maestro of Anabolic Tastyness
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    And aswell, I didn't mention PCT that's taken care of. My question is for the cycle, not after it.

  3. #3
    jstraw428's Avatar
    jstraw428 is offline Anabolic Member
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    18%bf is not fat?????? Deca doesnt even really begin working until about the 4-5 week, so you never even really experienced it....

    Tren A kicks in a couple of days after usage, and yes 75mg eod is a very low dose...

    Think you need some more research befor you do another cycle...

  4. #4
    Chode Logan's Avatar
    Chode Logan is offline AR's Ravishing Maestro of Anabolic Tastyness
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    Quote Originally Posted by jstraw428 View Post
    18%bf is not fat?????? Deca doesnt even really begin working until about the 4-5 week, so you never even really experienced it....

    Tren A kicks in a couple of days after usage, and yes 75mg eod is a very low dose...

    Think you need some more research befor you do another cycle...
    I'm not doing Deca? I've ran it for 8 weeks in the past, which is irrelevant. And no, I'm not fat. I have some pudge, but seriously what does that have to do with it? I've been reading these boards for months and there's actually zero technical reason why you should be 15% to do a cycle, except I believe excess fat will up your sensitivity to estrogen.

    And did you read what I said at all? that is low tren, but I've done LESS Tren and gained over 15 pounds in 5 weeks. So why the hell would I jump up do an absurd more amount when low doses work for me?

  5. #5
    Chode Logan's Avatar
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    It'd be cool if there were more people on this board who were chill and had advice as opposed to the ones who look for anything they can to tell people to do more research......especially to people who have done research...and I believe they call what I'm doing right now, research? Might not know it all but I'm learning and that's what I'm trying to do right now,
    Last edited by Chode Logan; 09-16-2008 at 01:48 PM.

  6. #6
    jstraw428's Avatar
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    i know your not doing deca , but if you only ran it for obviously need to do some more research....

    Yes i read what you wrote about low dosing the tren a.....but you should also take your tren A ed to get better results..

  7. #7
    jstraw428's Avatar
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    I am telling you to do more research, not to hear myself type....but bc it is obvious you need it....

    I am a very chill dude, and consider myself extremely laid back.....but at the same time, i take this very seriously, bc this is something we are introducing to our bodies, and it cannot be taken lightly.....

    If you had done your research, you would know deca needs to be run longer than 8 weeks, tren a needs to be taken ed, same with prop....and why would you want to take some crappy PHs....are you really wanting more sides than necessary...

  8. #8
    Chode Logan's Avatar
    Chode Logan is offline AR's Ravishing Maestro of Anabolic Tastyness
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    Quote Originally Posted by jstraw428 View Post
    i know your not doing deca , but if you only ran it for obviously need to do some more research....

    Yes i read what you wrote about low dosing the tren a.....but you should also take your tren A ed to get better results..
    About the deca, I don't need to do more research on it. I SHOULD have done more research before I did it, that was over 3 years ago dude way before I knew about this site or anything. That's in the past.

    And I was debating the ED, I was planning on it actually. Well then, 37.5 tren ED?

    I was thinking bout getting more Tren and upping the dose but I really don't see much benefit in doing that, risking sides when I know I react well to it.

  9. #9
    Chode Logan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jstraw428 View Post
    I am telling you to do more research, not to hear myself type....but bc it is obvious you need it....

    I am a very chill dude, and consider myself extremely laid back.....but at the same time, i take this very seriously, bc this is something we are introducing to our bodies, and it cannot be taken lightly.....

    If you had done your research, you would know deca needs to be run longer than 8 weeks, tren a needs to be taken ed, same with prop....and why would you want to take some crappy PHs....are you really wanting more sides than necessary...
    Haha no I dont want badly to take the M1t's, I just saw them there and figured I'd ask about them. What's the harm in asking? A lot of people kickstart cycles with D-bol and I've heard from many sources they prefer m1t to d-bol. how does that make me dumb?

    I never said I wouldn't shoot prop everyday if I had it.

    I didn't have any sides shooting tren EOD before but I've taken that into consideration and will do it ED

    And I don't get the deca thing I was young and stupid when I took it and seriously has zero to do with this.

  10. #10
    jstraw428's Avatar
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    When i use tren , i take 150mg ed.........I also will low dose my test, anywhere from350-500mg/wk......I let the 19-nor put the weight and muscle on me, and use the test just to funtion properly....The sides related to tren, seem to be more intense from higher dosage of test inconjuction with 19-nor......

  11. #11
    jstraw428's Avatar
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    I never said you were dumb.....i merely stated why you would want to take a PH.....

    You havent experienced ay sides from tren , bc you are barely taking any.......37mg ed is almost a waste.....

  12. #12
    Chode Logan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jstraw428 View Post
    I never said you were dumb.....i merely stated why you would want to take a PH.....

    You havent experienced ay sides from tren, bc you are barely taking any.......37mg ed is almost a waste.....
    I don't really see how it's a waste if I gained a decent amount of strength and size from less than that. So say I do up my dosage to 50 or even 75 a day, what do you recommend for a test dosage just to "keep me regular" ha.

  13. #13
    jstraw428's Avatar
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    I usually run 500mg of test for all my cycles.....i have found this to be a good number for me.....Let the 19-nor do most of the work

  14. #14
    Chode Logan's Avatar
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    That's pretty much what I had written out to do, except every 8 days instead of 7 to line up with EOD shots for tren , but if I'm doing it ED then it's up in the air.

    Is it possible that my body just accepts juice quicker than normal? Cause I gained 10 pounds in 11 days with cyp and tren, all lean gains, and strength went through the roof. I wasn't expecting it to kick in nearly that soon.

  15. #15
    Chode Logan's Avatar
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    And PS, if I was to do 150 of tren ED plus 500 a week test for 10 weeks, that (around here atleast) would be a $700-$800 cycle, so I don't think that's really in the cards for me. I'd be sweating my sack off too and freaking out ha.

  16. #16
    jstraw428's Avatar
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    there is no f&cking way you gained 10lbs in 11 days and it was all lean gains......That is impossible......

  17. #17
    jstraw428's Avatar
    jstraw428 is offline Anabolic Member
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    so brew your own tren .....itis super easy and very cost effective.....

  18. #18
    Chode Logan's Avatar
    Chode Logan is offline AR's Ravishing Maestro of Anabolic Tastyness
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    Ha sorry dude that was supposed to say 21. Three weeks.

    But I noticed it kicking in heavy within the first 10-15 for sure, I could feel it and strength rose quickly.
    And I'll look into that.

  19. #19
    jstraw428's Avatar
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    home brew is the way to go.....

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