Hello this site seems very informative. After a little bit of reading it seems the best cycle for me would be a Testosterone only cycle. Theres several different types of test right? ive found enanthate and cypionate , i can get my hands on those. which would be better? i also heard tren is really good but after reading some posts i dont think im ready for that yet but im open to it if you guys think it would be good. I guess i should give some info on me. Im 26, 5'11 and 195 lbs I eat a lot of chicken and steak and do the whole protein shakes thing but im ready to put on some serious size. I have been working out since high school and have gotten a lot more serious with my training in the past year. Im not exactly sure of my body fat % but i'm by no means fat. I dont exactly have a six pack but i know that i just got a jump on the treadmill and it will magically appear. Anyways i would like to start a cycle soon but i want to be completely informed on the stuff before i start because im not exactly thrilled with poking myself but i imagine its not that bad. Im thinking i want to start in about 5 or 6 weeks that will give me time to get in my cardio in check and do a little research. So i guess my question is should i do just test and how much. Could i stack it with anything (the only others i can get are deca and tren). I also have read about post cycle therapy. I dont know much about that and could use some suggestions. Thanks!