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Thread: Good job guys

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Cool Good job guys

    hey what's up guys !I like the new board it looks great .I asked a question on the old board about my second cycle .My first cycle was d-bol i really didn't know anything about as while i started it until about 2 weeks before my cycle was up and i started coming using this site.I then realized how stupid my first cycle was i took d-baol for 8 weeks.Then after talking to some of you guys you enlightened me on how bad that was.Now i'm ready for my 2nd cycle and want to do it alot smarter i've been researching for about 4 months now .I wanted to take a deca 400mg a week and sustanon 500mg a week each for a weeks I'm not sure what else i should take i know i need clomid but don't know whether to put d-bol in for 4 weeks or anything else.Well if any one can help i'd appreciate it. thanks chris good job on the new board

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    middle Georgia
    Use d-bol at the beginning of your cycle, this will give you ajump.Use about 200mg of decca the first week then go to the cycle you planned. It's a good cycle.

  3. #3
    The original jason Guest
    deca and sust as you said above dbol weeks 1-4 30-40mg ed no need to taper at all with any of them, clomid weeks 9,10,11 50mged,100mged,50mged.

    hope that helps


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    thanks guys

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Are you saying not to taper dbol? I remember from the old board some of us had mixed feelings on tapering, but I don't remember anyone saying not to taper dbol. I would like to hear your opinion for my own personal benefit.

    thnx dude

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    to date there is not really any solid medical proof that tapering or not makes a difference on the body(of dbol), thus i see no need to taper, why not get the most out of it while u can

  7. #7
    Mike Guest
    dbol has a half life of hours - no need to taper up or down - even 50mg/day isnt something worth tapering up to and if you are inclined to do more than 50mg/day just do anadrol - glad you like the board chris - props to jason and brian - as for your cycle I like it - do 400/500 8-10wks straight - throw dbol in if you want at 35-40mg/day for wks 1-4 clomid start 2-3wks after your last injection and cycle it as jason said

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