how old were u? any regrets or problems now? mistakes? success?
Under 18
Over 25
No Cycles For Me Yet
No Cycles For Me!
how old were u? any regrets or problems now? mistakes? success?
over 25 for my first ever non-aas (gh) and AAS (prop) cycles! gotta do, what i preach![]()
good that u r staying away from AAS if you're too young... the risks of getting your body messed up at such a young age, out weights the benefits of using AAS!
I waited till i was 24 to do my first cycle...
No regrets so far.....I was 40 when I did my first.
Do lots of research before doing any AAS and listen to all the educated bro's.
Just because a source can seem legit they still can have bunk gear....lesson learn is be wise.
like im 20 yrs old 21in march09 i kinda want to cycle but its just because u know us guys want everything fast but i was considering when im 21 almost 22 like next winter doing a 400-500mg/wk cycle of Test Prop. for 8 weeks but as of right now im trying to get my BF% to 13 or less right now im at 16% i got my diet in check and i do cardio 6-8 times a week so i know ill get there. also is there any non-AAS that u can do under the age of 25?
I was 42 and I have had great success with all my cycles. Don't regret a thing!
yeah bro.. just wait a bit! Eat clean and enough cal so you get mass and strength.. make wise food choices and stick to them, couple with a solid workout program... by the time you come to join the AAS world, you will be become even better bro.. also, creatine and bcaa's are considered (to an extent) mild andro supplements...
24 here but I had alot of training under my belt naturally before jumping to the dark side.
19 nearly 20 when i started. had a good base to begin with, recovered fine. no regrets.
28...And only because i love working out but was tired of spinning my wheels. I lifted the same max for so long i was just pissed. I always knew where to get it, so finally i broke down and got some test e. Been hooked ever since.
Im 40 and Im 7 weeks int a 12 week cycle of test only, my first. Its been goin great, seem to get road rage really easily tho, slow drivers in the fast lane and the viens in my neck are buldging and im right out of my seat middle finger waving in the air and the wife gets real quiet.
31 Test Enth.
Hurt my joints like hell.
I'm not a Dr. But I got strong quick and my joints could not keep up.
Other than that loved it!
I am in my mid thirties and on TRT, test cyp. No cycles for me unless I can get a prescription for deca from my doc.
I was 15 lol sorta on the early side but I lived and recovered fully from it
25 here, seems like u got ur head on right,doing some good research before u jump on.
i was 24 and didn't know shit about AAS...i got good gains but after the cycle was done i quit working out and let it all go away and got fat LOL
i cant remember how old but it was the day my mom took away my M&Ms and gave me anavar instead
21 years,probably a little young but no regrets
20,started with a test and dbol cycle!!!it was good although i did not react to dbol at all!!!n it was legit because half of my tabs which were let my friend used it and he got really big on it!!but it had nothin 2 do with diet n all bcoz i ended up gainin 14 lbs ( after pct)!!!no regrets!!!but a lil more research would have been great!!!
yeah sounds like when im 22 i might do one or maybe halfway through age 21
21... No regrets...
any sides? what'd u run
Test E @250mg 2xw 1-10
Dbol @40mg ED 1-4
Winny @40mg ED 6-10
No sides to speak of.
No hair loss, no acne.
Balls dropped a few sizes but came back during PCT.
All in all, good cycle.
17! I GOT YOU ALL BEAT! ....... i say that in sarcasm, i do some what regret it. Personally i think 22 is pretty legit but if theres a youngin out there considering it, DONT DO IT! Yes the gains were awesome and you WILL look like a stud and you WILL sleep with any girl at your hs but the aftermath isnt worth it. there are 3 things you can count on with young aas ussage. 1. you'll be more hairy then all your friends (including random back hairs) 2. you'll feel a bit down when your friends grow and inch or more 2 and you stay the same. 3. (most important) your overall naturall test will be slightly less therefore making it that much harder to gain naturally.
i was 14 going on 15, was suprised i had no side effects at all just a lot of highschool babes all over me![]()
wow thats so young
i dont believe that one...
Where could you even get that from?
Unless your dad was doping you up???
I gained 20lbs in a month of a sustanon cycle, lets just say i hadnt reached my full potential before i started taking them lol but it really didnt screw me up[ that i know of suprisingly. I even grew about 2-3" later on after the cycle so obviously it didnt stunt my growth
30 and glad i waited.
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching !
started when I was 30 , I had gear when I was 28 but waited and researched before started. Gear almost expired on me lol. But glad I did my homework, it gave me peace of mind. Knowledge is power!!
just finished my 1st im 37 loved it cant wait till next one
I've never cycled, I tried egropharms E max when I was 22, dunno if you can call that a cycle?
I'll probably be 26 when I really cycle
19, i took 100 mg of winstrol for 25 days and then a nolva/proviron pct. i enjoyed almost the same attitude boost from the pct as i did from the winstrol, and i would have to say that i gained 15 lbs that i kept. i don't regret a thing but then again i chose a mild route and i also understand that most people do not make these gains from winstrol and so i make no testimony.
i actually got it from friends surprisingly, i was friends with a lot of the juniors and seniors at the time, but i honestly didn't have any side effects, i don't condone young kids doing steroids obviously as my choice was poor judgment as a young kid but i didn't really care i just wanted to be * the biggest kid in the grade* and i guess i did whatever it took, i mean i look back and really don't regret it
Last edited by sdprolife; 09-21-2008 at 08:34 PM.
I was slightly over 22. A bit lightweight (160lbs 10%bf on my 5'7 frame) but nah, no regrets. I read up on it for two years prior so, all good.
A2thej2008: Gotta ask yourself why you wanna cycle. To become a world class bodybuilder? Then now is the time but everything comes down to if you're aware of the "risks" of taking steroids at a younger age, and if you know enough about gear.
Wanna cycle to look good on the beach? Then leave the stuff alone for life or at least several years more.
Around 35 for me. I had been training for years and had reached my peak naturally. Personal bests hadn't moved for what seemed like years and my measurements stayed the same. My training partner and I would have a weigh in and measurement session every month and I started on a course and didn't tell him. We worked different shifts so we couldn't train together at that time. He just couldn't believe the difference that one month had made. I told him that it was Cell Tech or something like that that made the difference.
He didn't believe me!!
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