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Thread: Tbol Orals questions

  1. #1

    Tbol Orals questions

    I'm able to get 500 10mg tbol pills and I was wondering how you guys suggest I do them. Basically, I don't want to start off using to little or to many. I read that with tbol there isn't a need for a PCT. Any truth to this? Also, when should they be taken? (Morning, before workout, before bed?) This is my first real cycle so I don't want to make any mistakes. And finally, for a guy who's 23 years old, 190 pounds, and 6foot1, what gains do you expect I'll see after finishing everything? (I know everyone's body is different, but a random guess/prediction wouldn't hurt.)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    R.I.P. TMOS
    age 23
    height 6'1
    weight 190
    diet summary/# meals per day? (I want to see a FULL diet plan with macros and how much the food weighs)
    years lifting / workout split?
    cycle experience?
    pct/estrogen control knowledge?
    goals (size/cut/strength/speed etc...) ?

    It sounds like you need to read some more about what youre doing.

    Generally for beginners a Test E cycle is recommended.

  3. #3
    I may be a new member here, but don't let that fool you. Trust me, I've been researching everything for months now. The thing is, I don't want to get ennormous. I'm not a bodybuilder, just someone who wants to get a little stronger and bigger. I want to gain some size and weight (roughly 200-205lbs) and tbol definitely seems like the best oral around. I eat just about every three hours, 6-7 times a day. I drink a shake in the am, after i lift, and before bed. I've been lifting for 2 years, pretty much without taking more than a week off during that span. test e did catch my eye, but, i'm looking to do an oral right now.

    Do I have to take test e injects with tbol orals? I know people who just took tbols and were fine. I admit I don't know everything, but from what I've read, I don't believe test e is something you must do or else tbol won't work.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I didnt say that tbol wouldnt work without test.

    Though it would be better...

    Im gonna need you to answer my previous question before answering anymore of your questions.

  5. #5
    age: 23
    height: 6'1
    weight: 190
    bf%: 10.5
    diet summary/# meals per day: 6-7 meals per day, 3 shakes, NO Xplode before lifting, L-Glutamine twice a day
    years lifting / workout split: A little over 2 years consistently lifting /
    cycle experience: None
    pct/estrogen control knowledge? I know a lot about it.
    goals (size/cut/strength/speed etc...): Want to get to a solid 200lb, lose a little more body fat, gain strength (right now i can bench 215 for 6, i wanna be able to get it for 10)

    Anything I missed or you need me to add? I'm dedicated. I'm a gym junkie.
    Last edited by MakinMoney; 01-03-2009 at 11:38 PM. Reason: change

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Wow man you need to work on your strength gains in the gym. Im 200lbs and i can put up 300 for a set.

    Honestly, id recommend Test E instead of Tbol... but to eachs own my friend.

  7. #7
    I can put up 255 twice. Never tried 300.

    So, anyone else? I'd like to hear opinions.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by MakinMoney View Post
    I'm able to get 500 10mg tbol pills and I was wondering how you guys suggest I do them. Basically, I don't want to start off using to little or to many. I read that with tbol there isn't a need for a PCT. Any truth to this? Also, when should they be taken? (Morning, before workout, before bed?) This is my first real cycle so I don't want to make any mistakes. And finally, for a guy who's 23 years old, 190 pounds, and 6foot1, what gains do you expect I'll see after finishing everything? (I know everyone's body is different, but a random guess/prediction wouldn't hurt.)

    40-60MG DAILY,,,stacks well with testosterone.
    You DO still need a PCT even if you run solo.

  9. #9
    Also, I've only been going for 2+ years. I dunno how long you've been lifting. And on top of that, I haven't cycled yet. So if you did (not saying you have, but just saying), obviously you'd lift more than me.

  10. #10
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    When i was 175lbs (before i started cycling) i was benching 225 for a set...

    Not trying to be a prick...

    All i was sayin is maybe check out some new exercises in the workout threads...

  11. #11
    Ok, thanks for the tips War.

    I understand it stacks well with Test-E. The things is, I don't exactly have money to get the Test and on top of that, I'm not exactly interested in doing both at once right now.

  12. #12
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    Yeah no problem brother...

    Test E is generally inexpensive bro...

    If you dont have the extra $ for Test, how do you afford food?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    im lookin to do a tbol only cycle for my first also, i heard its fine to run by itself, so u dont NEED test, they just recomend it. if u take 50mg a day, u have enough for 100 days, which is longer than what is reccomended i believe. im pretty sure ive read to not take it longer than 10-12 weeks cause it can be hard on the liver.

  14. #14
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    10-12 weeks ehh..

  15. #15
    you plan on starting soon ray? if so, how would you break it down? someone told me to start with 30mg for the first week, 50mg the second, then 70mg for like 2 months, then 50mg for a week, and end it off with 30mg a week. (that'd be a three month cycle)


  16. #16
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    Mar 2008
    MakinMoney I see by you handle that money is important to you.

    Well, save some money up for a proper cycle that includes test. More importantly, save some money up for food.

    If you need to, use coupons and make a stash of non-perishable things like oatmeal and a few bottles of olive oil. Then, get some meat for the freezer. Then, save up for the perishables that you will need like veggies, eggs etc. Normal things to eat, just more than usual.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by ray0414 View Post
    im lookin to do a tbol only cycle for my first also, i heard its fine to run by itself, so u dont NEED test, they just recomend it. if u take 50mg a day, u have enough for 100 days, which is longer than what is reccomended i believe. im pretty sure ive read to not take it longer than 10-12 weeks cause it can be hard on the liver.
    I'd say tbol only should be the standard beginners cycle. Ive done test alone and tbol alone, both were good but i had much less sides and better strength gains with tbol only. This is 80mg/day vs 500mg/wk test.

  18. #18
    It's not that money is important to me, but being a full time student only allows me to work 2-3 days a week. With a girlfriend and all, saving up money for anything is pretty damn hard for me hah.

    Like I said, I'm not looking to inject anytime soon. Just tbol. If anything, I'll do tbol and test e sometime after this cycle of tbol by itself.

    I'm just wondering how to start it and come off of it. (mg per day and shit like that) and then which specific PCT would be best with tbol.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by MakinMoney View Post
    It's not that money is important to me, but being a full time student only allows me to work 2-3 days a week. With a girlfriend and all, saving up money for anything is pretty damn hard for me hah.

    Like I said, I'm not looking to inject anytime soon. Just tbol. If anything, I'll do tbol and test e sometime after this cycle of tbol by itself.

    I'm just wondering how to start it and come off of it. (mg per day and shit like that) and then which specific PCT would be best with tbol.
    You have enough to do 100mg/day for 7 weeks. 60mg/day is sufficient, but if you like it you can go higher. Try something like this:
    1-7 100mg tbol per day
    8-9 40mg nolvadex per day

  20. #20
    you're saying immediately take 100mg on the very first day? hmm, you don't think i should start low and work my way up so that my body gets use to it? like, 40mg a week, 60mg a week, 80mg a week, 100 a week.

  21. #21
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    im planning on just doing 50mg a day, 25 in morning and 25 at night. ive never seen anyone on these boards take 100, i wouldnt recomend that for your first time but ive never done it. the guy im gettin mine from at the gym is a pretty big dude, and i think hes only taking 50 and he says he loves it. i believe they are getting it in powder, then making it into liquid. and i think he said they were thinking out putting them into 25mg capsules so its easier to swallow. but they ordered like 30 cycles and they should have it within a week so they might decide on something else but i wont be taking my cycle for a few months til my shoulder is better.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    I'd say tbol only should be the standard beginners cycle. Ive done test alone and tbol alone, both were good but i had much less sides and better strength gains with tbol only. This is 80mg/day vs 500mg/wk test.
    I agree. Anyone looking to start roids gets recommended to try t-bol only by me. Gave me less sides and the same LBM in a shorter amount of time (with much less fat) than test only.

  23. #23
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    Jul 2008
    not to hijack the thread but would dbol at 40mg ED for 4 week produce alot more gains than tbol 50mg ED for 4 weeks

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by listerine View Post
    not to hijack the thread but would dbol at 40mg ED for 4 week produce alot more gains than tbol 50mg ED for 4 weeks
    Well thats comparing apples and oranges. Dbol youll see a lot of weight increase because of its affinity to convert to estrogen. With tbol youll see the weight increase but you wont get the potential estrogen related problems. Tbol is by far superior to dbol except in terms of price.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by MakinMoney View Post
    you're saying immediately take 100mg on the very first day? hmm, you don't think i should start low and work my way up so that my body gets use to it? like, 40mg a week, 60mg a week, 80mg a week, 100 a week.
    Well, thats up to you. 100mg/day would be your maximum amount, but you will be successful with 60mg/day as well.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    Well thats comparing apples and oranges. Dbol youll see a lot of weight increase because of its affinity to convert to estrogen. With tbol youll see the weight increase but you wont get the potential estrogen related problems. Tbol is by far superior to dbol except in terms of price.
    so then gaining 8-12 lbs on tbol 50mg ed for 4 weeks is wishful thinking then right

  27. #27
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    I've seen people at 220 in good shape do well on 40mg/d as their first cycle, and tbol would be your first cycle, so I'd go with around 40mg/d then.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by listerine View Post
    so then gaining 8-12 lbs on tbol 50mg ed for 4 weeks is wishful thinking then right
    for 4 weeks yea thats wishful thinking, from what i have read, it takes 2-3 weeks to kick in, then u can gain 2-3 pounds per week after that if u do everything on 8-10 weeks u can gain up to 10 pounds or so.

  29. #29
    I did 70 mg of tbol for 8 weeks and gained 15 lbs with a clean diet. I love the stuff. had a great sense about myself while on it also.

  30. #30
    You immediately started with 70 and ended with 70? So you didn't work your way to 70mg so your body would get use to it and you didn't decline from 70 a few weeks before your cycle ended so you wouldn't have to go cold turkey off it?

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by MakinMoney View Post
    You immediately started with 70 and ended with 70? So you didn't work your way to 70mg so your body would get use to it and you didn't decline from 70 a few weeks before your cycle ended so you wouldn't have to go cold turkey off it?
    That's not the way to do it.

  32. #32
    The way to do it is to just take 70 for 8 weeks and then a PCT once you're done?

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by MakinMoney View Post
    The way to do it is to just take 70 for 8 weeks and then a PCT once you're done?
    Exactly. (Dosage and cycle length are not fixed, of course.)

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    In the Fog with birddog
    Great researching bra....Most here, not all, will have u taking way more than needed for your goals....IMO, don't taper it...your first cycle has real potencial to be your best- don't screw it up....

  35. #35
    I've been reading all over people with different opinions. Some feel a t-bol only cycle is fine, while others (such as a few in this topic) are hellbent on the fact that test e is a must if someone plans on doing t-bol.

    My question is, why? Why is it such a good idea to stack test e with t-bol? What are the benefits of doing them both compared to just taking t-bol by itself? (Obviously you'll get much bigger, but people make it seem like there's more to it.)

  36. #36
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    Problem i had with tbol is it messed with my stomach bad. Started at 50 and couldn't hang, dropped to 20 then ramped up 10 every 3 or 4 days till 60. That seemed to do the trick. It was a bit of a shock to my system.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bjohnson View Post
    Problem i had with tbol is it messed with my stomach bad. Started at 50 and couldn't hang, dropped to 20 then ramped up 10 every 3 or 4 days till 60. That seemed to do the trick. It was a bit of a shock to my system.
    Taking it split up into 2 or 3 doses throughout the day will help prevent any stomach issues.

  38. #38
    Makes sense.

    But can anyone answer my questions about test e/t bol cycle compared to just a t bol cycle?

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by MakinMoney View Post
    Makes sense.

    But can anyone answer my questions about test e/t bol cycle compared to just a t bol cycle?
    tbol only is fine if thats what you want to do. Theres not a necessity for test in this cycle.

  40. #40
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    I stacked test with tbol my last cycle. I used 60mgs ed. When i was doing my research 50-60mgs was the most common dose that i found. However, since your not gonna use test i would go slightly higher to try and compensate. 80mgs ed is what i would do.

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