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Thread: How long does anyof the andros stay in your body?

  1. #1

    Question How long does anyof the andros stay in your body?

    I am an elite athlete and I have been to one Olympiad. I started to take andro with DHEA and I am concern because couple of friends of mine got cought and suspended for 2 year because they found illegal substances in their bodies(andro, DHEA) I know this guys for a long time and I dont want to go through the same ordeal they are going through right now. besides not having a shot to the Olympics, They had to go through the enveronsment of being put as an example and ridicule in public. please, I need help!!! Is there anything else I can take that stays in your system for short periods of time(from 1 week to 3 weeks) that can give me stamina,endurance and power without jeopardicing my weight and my health.

    ps I am in Japan, hard to get anything!

  2. #2
    those substinces are legal in the US. and what are you goin in for the olympics for?

  3. #3
    I am sorry but they are legal for comsumer but not for athletes--if we get tested it will show up in our urine. These substances are legal for the public but not for the IOC, NCAA and US Olympic Comitee. Thats why I need to know the duration of these subtances in the body

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    down there

    Red face

    man, first of all, if you're going to the Olympics your doctor should know a little bit about those "baned" substances.
    Second, cut the crap and go for some real stuff with shorter halflife though.
    Ex: HGH is impossible to trace and the guys in the IOC know it very well.
    There was a thread about clomid at AR and there were a table with the half lifes of some of the most popular products, check it out it will help you.

  5. #5
    I am sorry, but the doctors that we work with have limited confidentiality so dont tallk like we the athletes have this doctors that provide us with everything. In the USA they are liable if we get cought so they dont want to do anything with it. This is not Russia or countries in the soviet republics who gave it to the athletes and monitor there progress. Unfurtunally USA athletes dont have that luxury thats why I came to this forum otherwise I would had gone to my doctor, dont you think?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    down there


    sorry for not believing you man,
    i don't know why you mentioned russian republics and i don't know how old r u but with age you'll understand some things.
    In our days sports at high level are all politics and money, a lot of money.
    Rich nations make the breakthroughs most of the times. If you can invest in good labs and scientists you'll get the medals.
    Everything has a price and evevrybody's corrupt.

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